We are fighting the Devil you faggot moran. You get one chance to take the fucker down. It does no good to give away your sneaking around hunting the Satanist if your too weak to kill the Satanist.
And you assume too much. Perot, Buchannan, Jfk, Reagan all likely were our guys and were trying to win the Presidency.
You nigger faggot we did not have anyone since Kennedy that was not comprimised. Reagan was the best but even he was no warrior like Trump or Jfk or Jfk jr.
You move too early when you are weak and you are killed. Then the Satanist change your DNA to make humanity a tamed animal like the Dog compared to the Wolf. Make us into slave without even the desire to be free. A fuck toy and a blood bag for (((them)))
You get one mother fucking shot at this you small minded nigger faggot. ONE. And everyones lives depend on us winning. We lose and it is all over for everyone FOREVER.
Imagine a boot stomping on the face of humanity forever and ever.
Grow the fuck up