THE SMILEY-FACE KILLERS: a Serial-Killer Gang Murdering Young White Men Across the U.S
>“They’re targeting the best of the best smart, athletic, popular, college-age white men, who went out drinking and never came home. These kids are the best students. They’re the best athletes and they come from the best families.”
>Opinions?? I suspect of antifa/jews. They're the only ones with the skills, organization and support from the system to get away with it. What do you think?
Pol's thoughts were that it's either
>Feminist/Antifa following jew orders
>Fags hunting fags pizzagate style(if the victims are gay)
>Police Lodge
Regardless of what it turns out to be, the cops and coroners are part of this shit and as the vid shows this has been going on for a long time. what other legit ritual murder cases has there been? This far every county where the ritual murders/smiley drownings have been going on have hosted a Fraternal Order of Police Lodge in it and the cops/coroners have ruled hundreds of homicides as accidents.