fuck this faggot he's been a shit on his apology thread and like the other anon said CONTROLLED OPPOSITION FAGGOT. Why do people need stupid fuckers to educate what really happen. Scotts a douche bag and his fake apology proves it! Profiting off his own faggotry
watch with your own eyes… why do people need help to figure out reality….. if you need to be spoon fed then you will never be able to eat by yourself! It's one thing to listen and obtain insight it's an entire other level to be a follower who has to ask what other think of the crappy people you follow.
The fact HE WATCHES CNN and believes it should be enough to prove he's fool not to be followed.
People identify their absolute lack of discernment here daily
I lost respect for every single person who fell for the bullshit in the first place.. apologies too late for the kids. Lots of so called awake and truthers… unbelievable in my eyes… discernment!!!! You either have it or you don;t!
THIS :D Thanks for the laugh!!!
Agreed… early on in my awakening I could tell he was a tool….. but I was kind of floored he admitted he watches CNN and believes it.
First off nobody has to accept anyone…. I lost respect FOR ANYONE…. ANYONE who fell for that lie. I could care less if they are MAGA or pro Trump… it doesn't matter to me…. I don't accept people who believe LIES over TRUTH and use their social media accounts to spread LIES on children.
He's swimming around the new age arena I figured him out back in 2010.. never knew who prosebiac, cervonich were until 2 years ago…. never followed them would never want to.