Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 8:39 p.m. No.4842720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2905 >>2917 >>2918

Doug Jones Risks His Alabama Senate Seat Over the Shutdown and the Wall

LISA LERER JANUARY 18, 2019 (Alabama election fraud digg)



After Doug Jones scored an upset win in the Alabama Senate race in 2017, elated Democrats nationwide dreamed of winning in other deeply red corners of the country. Mr. Jones seemed to offer a model, rejecting labels like progressive or conservative and calling himself a “Doug Jones Democrat.”


Now, as the longest government shutdown in history rolls into a fourth week, Mr. Jones finds himself holding the same position as Nancy Pelosi, the liberal House speaker: Reopen the government, then negotiate on border security….


“I voted for Jones, I did,” said Ann Lynch, an 86-year-old retired schoolteacher, as she did her grocery shopping wrapped in a fur coat on a brisk afternoon in Huntsville, where more than half of the local economy is tied to federal spending. “But he doesn’t support the wall. I don’t like that, of course. I think we need it. Trump knows we need it.”….


“He’s a dead man walking,” said former Representative Parker Griffith, a conservative Democrat who helped Mr. Jones in his election and continues to support him. “He leaned into his base, and his base is not big enough to elect him.”….


“He should support what the people of Alabama want, which is the wall,” he said. “He shouldn’t be there, and next time he’ll be voted out.”



''Not ONE WORD in this article about the Russian bot scandal over the 2017 election! Funny, Alabamians don't seem too happy about Jones' anti-wall stance. KEK.''

Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.4842817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2828 >>2877 >>3058 >>3300 >>3439

Updated Alabama “Project Birmingham” mega-bun 1-21-19; NEW LEADS FOR A DIGG

PAGE 1 of 2

Innovative baker created “Alabama DIGG” bun on Jan 6, but the story refuses to die. Kept alive by news that AET intended to throw an election and that NYT reporter Scott Shane knew this (but didn’t say) when he wrote Dec 19 NYT article. Cleaned, updated & annotated 1-21-19 midnight ET. MANY NEW DIGG LEADS HERE.


''PAGE 1 of 2: NEW BUN (1-6-19 thru 1-20-19)''

''PAGE 2 of 2: OLD BUN (11-1-18 thru 1-6-19)''


>>4833587 Updated Timeline for Alabama Election Fraud DIGG (AET, Morgan, Dickerson, Shane, and WaPo): Who really wrote the damning report?? 1-20-19 [follow-up of >>4826795]

>>4826795 After-Action Report From the Alabama Senate Disinformation Campaign 1-19-19 [great CAPS of 6 pages of mystery 12-page “Project Birmingham” report; unclear how obtained/who wrote it; see >>4833587]

>>4816012 Scott Shane admits that AET directed Project Birmingham in Dec but says nothing about it in Jan interview [Shane throws New Knowledge under the bus]

>>4812856, >>4812859, >>4812864 Trying to make sense Of The Alabama Controversy (Parts 1,2,3) 1-20-19 [J. Morgan’s Jan 2 rebuttal to “throwing the election” charge; see >>4833587 for article cap ]

>>4673255 Pro-dry Baptists join Russian bots in Dem fakes club [see also Haberman tweet >>4643437; see also]

>>4662994 Here are the Obama-Era officials allegedly behind the Alabama false flag campaign [see >>4659448]

>>4660404 Facebook investigates 'deceptive' election operation backed by Left-wing billionaire

>>4659448, >>4659530 Two Obama-era officials were instrumental in the false flag operation in Alabama [Mikey Dickerson, was instrumental in a disinformation campaign targeting Moore, reports show. He was not alone. Evan Coren, who has worked for the National Archives unit since Obama’s first term, also targeted the Republican’s campaign;]

>>4643437 Reading Maggie Haberman's twats and came across this gem 1-7-19 [Scott Shane retweet of Haberman on Dry Alabama]

>>4627931 US intelligence think tank conducted false flag 1-6-19 [summary of events until then; see]

>>4616863 [This is BUN #1; see attached] 1-6-19

Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 8:51 p.m. No.4842828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2877


ORIGINAL Alabama “Project Birmingham” bun

'''(cleaned, revised & arranged newest oldest)'''

PAGE 2 or 2 (Posts from 11-1-18 thru 1-6-19)




>>4615723, >>4615826 3:14 = 15:14. Q crumbs with matching timestamps. part 1 of 2; "Who Wrote the Algorithm?"

>>4563080, >>4532922 Is MEMEX a DARPA tool for "total control"?

>>4560602, >>4560797 The Only Meddling "Russian Bots" Were Actually Democrat-Led "Experts"

>>4551401, >>4555629 McChrystal did some time at CFR too. Jonathan Morgan of New Knowledge worked in the same organization

>>4548969 remain vigilant in the face of Russian efforts  to meddle in US elections

>>4532922 Christopher White, head of DARPA MEMEX Project

>>4532098, >>4532129, >>4532141, >>4532167, >>4532268 Digging on MEMEX

>>4531870 Jonathon Morgan has worked for DARPA on Memex

>>4531319, >>4531349, >>4531358, >>4531532 Jonathon Morgan Video: Machine Learning and Information Warfare 

>>4521435 German Marshall Fund was started by Willy Brandt (Club of Rome) with initial funding by the West German government in 1972.

>>4521277 Based on all of this data, we can draw this picture of Russian social-media activity

>>4516763, >>4516442 New Knowledge co-founder described as "from the (Hussein) White House"

>>4515177, >>4515209, Moar on the New Knowledge dig Looks like the address of business that's imaginary.

>>4514415 Democratic operative who bragged about Russian bot ˜false flag issues contradiction-filled denial

>>4513656, >>4513741, >>4513690 The Alliance for Securing Democracy: New Knowedge & Hamilton 68. Dig

>>4513627 What Do Q 2635 and 2639 Point To? Is it the Emerging Face of the NWO? Post updated

>>4512724, >>4512678 H68 goes back to the whole Russian bot lie. Supposedly tracks bot

>>4503773 New Knowledge Brags About Avoiding Media, Affecting Vote in Leaked Internal Doc

>>4501355 Group touted by Democrats for 'bombshell' Russia report was behind Alabama Senate race tricks

>>4496644 New Knowledge fag mentions Google X to describe DARPA so I search Google X

>>4495762, >>4495785, >>4495913 Senate Report on Russian Interference Written By Disinformation Warriors Behind Alabama False Flag Operation

>>4495582 Mikey Dickerson (related dig to pb notables LinkedIn founder involvement in Roy Moore and Russin bots)

>>4495582 Fake Russian Bot Exp't Budget: $100,000 to $750,000 Call for a Digg on AET & Mikey Dickerson

>>4495517, >>4495874, >>4495952 New Knowledge investors: Clowns, ChiCommies, and a former Military Intelligence Trump employee?

>>4479593 LinkedIn co-founder apologizes for funding group linked to disinformation efforts in Alabama special election

>>4479143 LinkedIn co-founder billionaire Reid Hoffman sorry for funding Fake News organization

>>4408713 [Reid Hoffman with working with Todd Park, Haley Van Dyck & Mikey Dickerson] (12-21-18)

>>4393450 What is going to happen to Reid Hoffman and Mikey Dickerson? (12-21-18)

>>3688382 Invasive 'Vote With Me' App Could Be an Effective GOTV Weapon for Democrats (11-1-18)

Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 8:56 p.m. No.4842877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3058 >>3300 >>3439



ORIGINAL Alabama “Project Birmingham” bun

'''(cleaned, revised & arranged newest oldest)'''

PAGE 2 or 2 (Posts from 11-1-18 thru 1-6-19)



''reposted because accidental green text too hard to read/print''


>>4615723, >>4615826 3:14 = 15:14. Q crumbs with matching timestamps. part 1 of 2; "Who Wrote the Algorithm?"

>>4563080, >>4532922 Is MEMEX a DARPA tool for "total control"?

>>4560602, >>4560797 The Only Meddling "Russian Bots" Were Actually Democrat-Led "Experts"

>>4551401, >>4555629 McChrystal did some time at CFR too. Jonathan Morgan of New Knowledge worked in the same organization

>>4548969 remain vigilant in the face of Russian efforts  to meddle in US elections

>>4532922 Christopher White, head of DARPA MEMEX Project

>>4532098, >>4532129, >>4532141, >>4532167, >>4532268 Digging on MEMEX

>>4531870 Jonathon Morgan has worked for DARPA on Memex

>>4531319, >>4531349, >>4531358, >>4531532 Jonathon Morgan Video: Machine Learning and Information Warfare 

>>4521435 German Marshall Fund was started by Willy Brandt (Club of Rome) with initial funding by the West German government in 1972.

>>4521277 Based on all of this data, we can draw this picture of Russian social-media activity

>>4516763, >>4516442 New Knowledge co-founder described as "from the (Hussein) White House"

>>4515177, >>4515209, Moar on the New Knowledge dig Looks like the address of business that's imaginary.

>>4514415 Democratic operative who bragged about Russian bot ˜false flag issues contradiction-filled denial

>>4513656, >>4513741, >>4513690 The Alliance for Securing Democracy: New Knowedge & Hamilton 68. Dig

>>4513627 What Do Q 2635 and 2639 Point To? Is it the Emerging Face of the NWO? Post updated

>>4512724, >>4512678 H68 goes back to the whole Russian bot lie. Supposedly tracks bot

>>4503773 New Knowledge Brags About Avoiding Media, Affecting Vote in Leaked Internal Doc

>>4501355 Group touted by Democrats for 'bombshell' Russia report was behind Alabama Senate race tricks

>>4496644 New Knowledge fag mentions Google X to describe DARPA so I search Google X

>>4495762, >>4495785, >>4495913 Senate Report on Russian Interference Written By Disinformation Warriors Behind Alabama False Flag Operation

>>4495582 Mikey Dickerson (related dig to pb notables LinkedIn founder involvement in Roy Moore and Russin bots)

>>4495582 Fake Russian Bot Exp't Budget: $100,000 to $750,000 Call for a Digg on AET & Mikey Dickerson

>>4495517, >>4495874, >>4495952 New Knowledge investors: Clowns, ChiCommies, and a former Military Intelligence Trump employee?

>>4479593 LinkedIn co-founder apologizes for funding group linked to disinformation efforts in Alabama special election

>>4479143 LinkedIn co-founder billionaire Reid Hoffman sorry for funding Fake News organization

>>4408713 [Reid Hoffman with working with Todd Park, Haley Van Dyck & Mikey Dickerson] (12-21-18)

>>4393450 What is going to happen to Reid Hoffman and Mikey Dickerson? (12-21-18)

>>3688382 Invasive 'Vote With Me' App Could Be an Effective GOTV Weapon for Democrats (11-1-18)

Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 9:06 p.m. No.4842967   🗄️.is 🔗kun




short and sweet


(if only we could cut off Congress' salaries. KEK.)

Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.4843011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3427


We are all with you, anon. None is alone, we have the power individually and collectively to hold our world in light and love. Praying, meditating, holding positive intentions. No worries.

Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.4843097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3100 >>3130 >>3175 >>3212 >>3236



Keen observation by author Tyler Durden. I looked it up to see if he was the reporter. Writes a lot of excellent articles (especially exposing the fraud of Hamilton 69 and New Knowledge).


GOP should embrace this issue, but as a means of demonstrating widespread DEM voter fraud and overturning their plan for vote harvesting.


This automatic registration proposal–which is radical–makes it easier to show just how radical the Dems are becoming. Highlighting it is all to the good.




Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 9:29 p.m. No.4843240   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Posted Doug Jones "problems" article because it shows

a. winning isn't everything (have to do what voters want)

b. how voting fraud tends to turn voters against you


It seems obvious that you have to make your constituents happy but the way Dems are acting, they seem to have forgotten this. (Or are so desperate that they are ignoring it.) This story makes the news now because of the scandal, even tho it's not mentioned. But I see it as the top of a hidden iceberg of widespread dissatisfaction in all red states who were fooled into voting blue.


But how many other voters are just as disgusted with their lying Dem representatives? Without a story hook, MSM won't discuss. But I'm guessing there are increasing numbers of hidden "walkaways" as the weeks progress.

Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 9:42 p.m. No.4843393   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Re RBG's coed prisons being about farming babies


Quite possible. Also possible that it is part of the larger globalist plan to normalize stuff that creates total chaos–as coed prisons would.


Same issue comes up with the Wall, Opposing the Wall isn't just about open borders/destroying sovereinty but about non-organic, radical change destroying the culture, ed system, family, religion, and anything else that helps us maintain coherence both psychologically and culturally.


Anons understand this, but ordinary people don't. Important to find ways of explaining how this works to them, so they see the big picture (because each little change seems innocuous; slowly-boiling-frog). One of the hardest issues to address, this "little changes" tactic.

Anonymous ID: 96650c Jan. 20, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.4843469   🗄️.is 🔗kun






link not posted before