Bread seemed pretty lively
Well-said, anon. However, POTUS is quite skillful at "herding" the recalcitrant Dems into a cattle chute, even tho they don't like it very much. They make it easy by being so touchy that he can push their buttons without halfway trying. He does it with the MSM, too–pushing the TRUTH into their face but in a way that's too blunt to ignore but too funny to be really mean.
The "meanness" they perceive is their own. He actually demonstrates compassion with his handling of them but they're too far gone to realize it. And don't want to, either, because it makes them see themselves for what they are: selfish exploiters, con artists, and worse.
just saved as pepe the magnificent
Getting triggered is the first step to something. Either transformation or death.
You think that's bad? Look at what they do to their own! (eg, Tommy Robinson, Neil Farage, or Katie Hopkins)
did you check the archive? Should be quite a bit, lots of posts on this
Love to hear from Polish people. Always remember Solidarity and how they led the charge to tear down communism in the 1980s.
probably fake news, trying to stir the pot
Twitter profile: Scott DworkinVerified account
@funder, Co-Founder/Lead Investigator @TheDemCoalition. Host of #DworkinReport podcast. Proud member of #TheResistance. Democrat. Helped uncover #TrumpRussia.
Agree about going on the offensive and think non-libs are trying to do it. (((They))) have most of the media right now so it will take time. There are people speaking out–this board, YTubers, bloggers, etc., but their voices get drowned out by all the tactics we know so well.
Got practical suggestions to turning things around, anons?
One think I like to do is expose their lack of credible sauce (research) on GOP, etc.–stuff like fake science, fake algorithms, fake credentials, biased science (real scientists who are so biased they use stats for political purposes, eg, biased polling methods, trying to use correlation to imply causation with psychos who happen to follow–or even just mention–Q).
Each of us have a different set of skills to bring to the table with this. What else can we do to turn the tide?
I know how to polska, although polska usually refers (at least in Amercan folk dance community) as very old Scandanavian dances). Kuwaviaks (sp?) are really fun partner Polish couple dances.
Dems have short memories for their own mistakes. Obviously use too much brain capacity focusing on the faults of others.
Both the graphics and the sentiments memorable, anon.
Not sure I want partner with TOO many shots! I am actually talking about polska tho, may have Polish names because imported from there? That I don't know. Here is an example; a little hokey, sorry. The ones I like have better music.
Difficult issue. When it comes to European territorial disputes, the one rule is that each country wants the territory is had when it was the most powerful. Hard to resolve such disputes.
Weird clip–with the Bush quote. I see what you want another copy of the speech. This could be doctored for one thing, it's such a short clip.
Well, with this PARTICULAR dance–yes, a few shots would help! I had to get one where the title included "Scandavian" and "polska" tho, to sauce my assertion.
Ok, doesn't say polska but it has the right form. Flute very nice.
Love eastern European dance, song, and culture. Went to Hungary and Romania a lot when younger, to the villages to learn dances.
Like the Ukranian dance you're posted, but didn't know so much about Uk. culture because it was too far behind the Iron curtain at the time to be able to travel there. In groups that performed music from villages in Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, etc., and did dances all over Eastern Europe. Saw Ukraine once from a hill in Romania, but that's as close as I ever got. Thx for sharing.
Didn't realize your dances had so many "flys" in them–really athletic. Is this a wedding? Looks like it, everybody crazy, having a good time, many days I'm guessing. That way in Romania.
ok, so I read the story. hit piece. just like your meme, unfortunately. I can find no place with Beanz denounces Q (after formerly following Q) but many posts on this board where people denounce Beanz (what, coz she stopped following Q after being attacked?).
nice work anon
Well-stolen then, anon.