Anonymous ID: 5beae1 Jan. 21, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.4844336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4347 >>4352 >>4396 >>4415 >>4438 >>4454 >>4577


This is awesome. I had THREE liberal friends issue apologies today on Facebook about jumping the gone on the Covington kids. One of them I'm sorta working on as I think he's actually having a bit of a break, saying that he feels like he's been played his whole life, and he feels like a toy to be played with, and one is a really down to earth gal who is from a very liberal family and she is now meming about hating #FakeNews.


We've reached some sort of breakthrough.

Anonymous ID: 5beae1 Jan. 21, 2019, 12:22 a.m. No.4844393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4409 >>4417 >>4438 >>4540 >>4577




Interesting!! I'm LOVING this.


I forgot to mention that SonAnon, who is really an Anon, (what up if you're here son) went over and hung out with some friends tonight, all liberal here in Cucksville, and one girl who is like a niece to me and a sister to them, who was a HUGE raging Never Trumper and blah blah blah….


They were talking tonight and she conceded that the Wall made sense and was Constitutional and moral and all of that. To imagine that even a year ago, when she wouldn't come around much, or two years ago when she thought Trump was KKK….I mean….


It sure feels good Anons.

Anonymous ID: 5beae1 Jan. 21, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.4844423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4474




This is it, we're winning. Look at gas prices. Like I'm telling people, not only are our Energy workers getting back to work, but gas is the lowest I can remember seeing it in….15 years or more, at least here. So you figure that you save $200 a month on gas, POTUS just bought you all your weed for the month AND he's gonna legalize. I mean, Hemp already is.


Glorious times. Careful with the liberal girls. KEK!!

Anonymous ID: 5beae1 Jan. 21, 2019, 12:41 a.m. No.4844491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4577


That would be cool. It's REALLY good for the soul IMO. Our one friend, the younger niece, it's been so nice to have her warm back up to us. But, I figured the cream would rise, and I hope it happens with other friends too.


It's not just about arresting people, it's about setting the stage for POTUS to give us OUR nation back. The bombs will drop, but what will remain of our people and our relationships after?? THAT to me has been the heart of this mission, to awaken and bring about a pre-healing condition so that after the dust settles, We The People will be ready to work with each other to completely rebuild our nation and our people.


We got this. Our friends are starting to figure it out. Thank God.