>>4834481 pb Mysterious Post
>>4838320 pb Notable Decode of Mysterious Post
Could Z. Brzezinski still be in the Game? Mohr analysis of Mysterious Post building upon excellent Anon decode (attached for reference).
Looks like “SvOp” in the Msyterious Post stands for "Surveillance Video over Powerline" (sauce:https://www.allacronyms.com/SVOP). Correlates nicely w/ Q's "FISA works both ways"
According to referenced Anon's decode of Mysterious Post, Queen Elizabeth II {REDFERN} & Prince Charles (UNICORN) are being surveilled by POTUS/Patriots via the Secret Service Foreign Mission Division, and NOT thru the official FVYS apparatus– very dasting indeed.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, code name [HAWKEYE], supposedly died on May 16, 2017, early in POTUS' presidency, just as patriots were in the throws of taking back gov control from Cabal/DS Operatives.
Could ZB have faked his death to take the heat/focus off of him in order to contribute to and/or advise on elements of the Cabal/DS operations to remove POTUS from an off-shore locale? He has been considered 1 of the masterminds of the NWO operation for decades (sauce: https://www.thenation.com/article/zbigniew-brzezinski-cold-war-biography/
H. Kissenger [WOODCUTTER] along w/ Brzezinski [HAWKEYE] don’t have the SvOp reference in the original Mysterious Post. Kissenger and Z. Brzezenski's code-names are mentioned in kill brackets however, instead of the “}” brace used for QEII, Prince C, GW & Laura Bush, J Carter, denoting a set that is distinct from all the other individuals that are in “[]“ kill brackets, which includes BO, Michel O, HRC, BC, Biden, Pelosi, Kissenger, Brzezinski and Cheney. The Secret Service Foreign Mission Unit 1 & 2 are mentioned monitoring, containing, or something of that sort in relation to Kissenger & Brzezinski, implying they are outside of the country, similar to the operative reference made in QEII & P. Charles surveillance operation.
Not sure if the Mysterious Post has any merit. However, two sets of central players are mentioned – 1 set is under surveillance /SvOp denoted with the "{}", and the other set looks as though they are or have been “contained” in some way denoted in the kill brackets"[]" .
If legit, the Mysterious Post would appear to be painting a picture of a last ditch Cabal/DS counter-move operation, which is being countered in real-time by POTUS & Patriots.
May be relevant as it does correlate w/ the occurance of many unusual events/markers including the thwarted POTUS assassination/terrorist attack from 1/17, Pelosi's foiled big family PR CODEL getaway, a cryptic Donna Brazile tweet, MLK assassination/sacrifice symbolism timing, and the lunar eclipse/hunter's moon, which is a MAJOR symbolic marker for the satanists representing the opening of inter-dimensional portals thru increased satanic rituals/sacrifices on blood moon lunar eclipses.
"The moon has tremendous influence on humanity in ways the vast majority has no awareness of. During any new/full moon (and in particular at eclipses), portals and dimensions open up, making it easier for hyper/inter-dimensional beings to cross realm boundaries. This ties into what Gurdjieff meant by stating that humanity is “food for the moon”. I caution to engage in any form of moon rituals in light of the “topic of all topics” , i.e. the hyperdimensional control of humanity and how the moon relates to it."