But now she in SF helping citizens march around the poop instead of overseas.
Now wut?
>fcking fulford's latest report quoting 4chan as sources
Gotta be better than the usual white nigger society that knows a Pentagon janitor with a cousin that works in the kitchen at Langley source.
She's prolly on life support.
Their plan is to hatch a scheme where her clerks do the work and they keep the seat for as long as possible.
Everyone high up knows and now it's game on for how this plays out Kabuki-wise.
Fox pulling this oooopsie did I do that Erkle move was unexpectedly expected in a way.
If it wasn't for that Muh Ankle Is Sprained That's Why My Sock Was Gushing Blood stunt I'd be marching in the streets at Cooperstown.
>Who is Stan kroenke?
Wal-Mart heiress marrying kinda guy.
Ball got there a bit wide just as hit was delivered so that part was a good clean no call.
And targeting is just like your opinion man.
Saints couldn't close the deal got OT kick-off even.
Baker what?
Old news and Huber will tell those minority committee members to go pound sand anyways.
Novel idea.
Thankfully they don't counter with a move to a place that happily builds them a stadium.