mrs pence participates in music therapy
mrs pence participates in music therapy
Actually, abortion is a problem from the 1960's
when women were not empowered or educated.
Before the pill.
Before female condoms, which are re-usable.
If a woman nurses her children
she cannot conceive another child for
up to a year after she has weaned her last child.
Whenever I see a family where children are born ever year
I shake my head.
If you want to remain "natural"
and "let God decide if you become pregnant"
you cannot eliminate ALL THE NATURAL
and that is to breast feed about 2 years.
In our times
the only reason for an abortion
would be a gross deformity of the fetus.
If a woman is raped she should have immediate access to the abortion pill.
We should demand that people educate themselves about these subjects.
An unexpected pregnancy should never happen.