Bad news for flexing celebs. I hope they all get sued out of their Laurel Canyon homes and become the newest residence of Venice Tent City. Poor Kathy will be just another street-shitter, panhandling blowjobs for box wine and living in her split level Frigidaire carton.
RINO NeoCons don't give a shit about Vets either. Everyone wants to pay lip service, but no one wants to keep the promises made, because that money could be given to TB ridden spics and goat fuckers with no intention to assimilate.
That bitchin' Audi cost Bernie a lot of his bros. That was the most effective mass red pill I've ever seen. That's why he's at the back of the pack now. AOC is the new magic nigger.
Thanks for letting us know how everything came out.
A lot of shady shit connects to Telemex. Back in the 90's I knew a guy who was, shall we say connected, who went overnight from boosting semi-trailers and running an escort service to retired-in-Arizona millionaire off the IPO on Telemex. He even tipped me off, but I was busy concentrating my efforts on building my weed portfolio at the time. Lots of Cayman connections back to Wall Street and NYC union bosses. Info presented for what it's worth.
So what you're saying is that she's a half-breed street-shitter.