Anonymous ID: 4ddf32 Jan. 21, 2019, 10:44 a.m. No.4848656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8708 >>8743 >>8744 >>8762 >>8767 >>8809 >>8869 >>8931

Theory on the significance of Q's confirmed delta markers:


[0] = POTUS and Q are together

[1] = Message Confirming Q or Crumbs

[5] = Message Related to Crumbs

[10] = Delta Test with Message

[15] = Delta Test (comms test)

[1 year delta] = some events occur a year after Q informed anons about it, or are reoccurring yearly

(example of an event occurring a year after Q informed anons about it was "Flynn is safe")

(example of an event reoccurring yearly is the camp david pen pics)


"Wind the clock w/ all markers" seems to indicate the "Clock" is a DELTA COUNTER, using the confirmed DELTA MARKERS of [0], [1], [5], [10], [15], and [1 year] for COMMS




  • just a theory based off confirmed deltas, AND HOW THEY ARE USED BY Q AND POTUS

  • these deltas are in units of MINUTES, but anything less than a [1] delta is a [0] delta

(crumb #2140 for example confirms this)

  • a delta can be between a crumb and a tweet/retweet, between tweets/retweets, or between crumbs and crumbs

(this includes tweets that correct misspelling, which also matter for comms)

  • there are exists unintentional deltas

(crumb #2616 for example confirmed this)

  • NOT EVERY [#] is a delta marker, and many [#] are just general markers

(context matters)

  • NOT EVERY delta is a confirmed delta MARKER

([6] and [7] are examples)

— Theory of the [6] and [7] deltas based on their usage (can only find one confirmed occurrence for each):

[6] = Device Delta Test

[7] = Word For Word Message

— Q also replied once about a [2] delta

(crumb #1756 for the [2] delta)

— Q also replied once for a [22] delta

(crumb #606 for the [22] delta, but I'm pretty sure it's a 21 minute delta, so not adding or thinking about)

— Q also noted a [17] delta between POTUS' tweets when he acknowledged an anon's request

(pun intended, crumb #2577)

  • NOT EVERY DELTA IS SHOWN IN THE GRAPHIC, just included the ones that were confirmed



open the pics in a new tab and zoom as needed

pic1 is has the theory in it, pic2 has the [2] and [17] deltas shown without the theory

Anonymous ID: 4ddf32 Jan. 21, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.4848802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8822 >>8824 >>8853


>there are exists unintentional deltas

>(crumb #2616 for example confirmed this)



started as just a graphic to outline the [15], [10], [5], and [1] deltas, but if you look at each specific one, each seems to have a different meaning


>NOT EVERY [#] is a delta marker, and many [#] are just general markers

>context matters

the [10] is a DELTA marker, but I found no evidence of confirmed [4] and [20] DELTA markers

could be though, still looking for other deltas we missed and Q didn't explicitly confirm

Anonymous ID: 4ddf32 Jan. 21, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.4848892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8908


agreed, wanted to take a fresh look at it

it's in this context when Q said 'wind the clock w/ all markers' and 'the clock and the graphic are essential'


It's a cool theory, still working on finding others

check it out in the contexts of the crumbs too


that crumb is in there, all are in the same time zone (est)


so for example, the [0] and [1 year] are the easiest to understand the meanings

[0] means Q and POTUS are together so they essentially pressed send at the same time

[1 year] means there is a 1 year delta between crumbs, or an event and crumbs

but the others, from the context, seem to mean specific things too