Anonymous ID: 7cb820 Jan. 21, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.4849286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9526 >>9632 >>9641 >>9683

>>4848370 lb, >>4848425 lb

What it Means to Put on the Armor of God, and Stand

There was another Indian provocoteur at the Covington HS incident, yelling racial abuse inches from the kids’ faces, saying they were murderers and needed to give all the land back, to "go back to Europe." One shocked kid started defending our people, then Stand in Quiet Strength kid subtly looked over to his friend and mimed him to be silent and just stand. I was so impressed. That kid showed true leadership, was very humble but earnestly emphatic in applying the right remedy at the right time. Which is why the other kid took it to heart and stopped taking the shill bait by giving them exactly what it wanted – a hotheaded show of defensiveness caught on camera. All MSM needs is one word they can twist out of context, and that word will convict you. But if you stand silently, they have less to work with; your point of standing up for yourself is still made, but provides no magic labels with which the Word Warlocks can cast spells to of doublespeak to entangle you in false accusations.


This sort of moral training is what we used to have, as a people. Say what you will about religion, it's fair criticism. All modern institutions have become comped to some degree. But the truth at the core of these moral frameworks, and the role of the shepherds of them in our societies, is vital to creating a citizenry wise enough to withstand the tricks of the enemy, which so often center around temptation – getting us to follow our immediate animal instincts rather than pause to consider the best course in the long run. We’re not born with wisdom, we have to work at it, build up strength, get swole. It's why tearing down our religions was the first step in the commies' long march thru our institutions. Then they a) took male property ownership (banking supremacy inflicting wholesale robberies such as Great Depression), b) maimed, murdered & mindfucked our men in hideous war after war, c) used the resulting uptick in male insecurity/acting-out to fuel/justify feminism, d) used the feminism to ensure kids were raised by TV/Public Ed while both parents worked, and finally e) used the feminists & state-raised kids to justify moar nanny-statism & 3rd-world invasions. All planned. Went down like clockwork.


Until we started to wake the fuck up and stand up for ourselves, to stand up for the truth.


There are times for words, our people are masters of them – from the framers of our Constitution to our thought leaders, meme-masters and twatter warriors. Speech is the jungle gym of thought; Western Civilization was built on our ability to think beyond the here & now and convince others to join us in realizing our dreams. But when the enemy poisons our words, makes traps of them, denying us every outlet to affirm our right to exist, even the basic right to defend our personal space physically, this kid reminds us,

we can still put on the Armor of God, and stand.

Time 2:52 is when the Indian's diatribe starts, 3:30 is when the kid gestures to his friend to stop arguing back

Anonymous ID: 7cb820 Jan. 21, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.4849616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yup. Well said btw.

>Kids learned what took me decades to figure out.

Same here. And I'm not even 100% reformed yet, unfortunately. But I do try kek.