Greg Rubini
if you worry about the Dems taking control of the House…
well, you don't need to worry.
my sources told me that at least 80 (possibly up to 140) congressmen will be prosecuted and brought to jail.
85%-90% Dems
so, both the House and Senate will be firmly in GOP hands.
4:07 PM - 10 Jan 2019
Mally S.
G Room male grooming
Gary Guilbeau
Rhonda Albrecht
Robin Poe - Nationalist
615 replies 2,144 retweets 4,776 likes
New conversation
Greg Rubini
Jan 10
I don't have details on the timing, nor on the specific names
timing is up to President Trump.
my (personal) bet is that some days after William Barr confirmation as AG, something will be announced publicly
Things are in full swing (behind the scenes)
67 replies 393 retweets 1,399 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 10
Greg Rubini Retweeted Rebecca Frace
spot on!
Greg Rubini added,
Rebecca Frace
I've been thinking this since the Election. It's crystal clear that there was not a "blue wave" and I think the "shutdown" is just a distraction to what is really going on behind the scenes IMO.
33 replies 262 retweets 1,091 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
all these will go down:
Feinstein = Treason & Espionage Act (China)
Schumer, Pelosi = Bribes, Clinton Foundat +++
Mark Warner, Burr = Esp. Act ++
Booker, K. Harris
Adam Schiff ++
Maxine W.
J. Nadler
they will be prosecuted for several felonies & jailed.
and many more.
66 replies 432 retweets 1,288 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
key clue:
check what happened at the Kavanaugh hearings in Sept/Oct.
those who were more unhinged… (think: panic, desperate)
9 replies 190 retweets 830 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
Greg Rubini Retweeted Greg Rubini
another KEY clue:
what happened at the Bruce Ohr closed doors hearing?
Dems leak everything.
about the Bruce Ohr hearing the Dems did not LEAK anything
Bruce Ohr hearing [THREAD]:
Greg Rubini added,
Greg Rubini
"DOJ Bruce Ohr is spilling everything and naming names, dates, places.
Cutting a deal to save his beautiful wife, Nelly.…
Show this thread
15 replies 360 retweets 754 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
remember: Trump is a Master in fooling the MSM
and in fooling the Dems.
the Dems have Low IQ, and are very gullible.
11 replies 163 retweets 729 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
so: don't get fooled by the Fake MSM.
everything you see there is a distraction.
the Wall itself is a distraction.
Trump is using the Wall to fool the Dems,
to push them to extremist Leftist/Socialist positions,
and to make them look mad and unhinged (ie: Pelosi)
16 replies 211 retweets 816 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
in other terms:
Trump is offering the Dems the rope to hanggg themselves.
and they (the Dems) are gladly taking it, and doing it.
(other things, much more important than the Wall, are happening behind the scenes)
18 replies 189 retweets 765 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
President Trump promised to DRAIN THE SWAMP.
is there any promise that he hasn't fulfilled?
17 replies 233 retweets 887 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
you are witnessing History.
unfolding right before your eyes
10 replies 148 retweets 708 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
you can get more information about the STRATEGY
from the [THREAD] which is pinned on my Timeline
you have to read it all, though, if you want to really understand what is going on.
and use Logical Thinking.
5 replies 115 retweets 527 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
"You have more than you know"
14 replies 93 retweets 536 likes
Greg Rubini
Jan 11
Greg Rubini Retweeted Greg Rubini
here you have the MILITARY STRATEGY Thread:
"The REAL role of Rod Rosenstein and Mueller - Sting Op"
Greg Rubini added,
Greg Rubini
Perfect Plan!
Rod Rosenstein will resign after his outstanding job is complete.
"Trump's favorite Deputy AG"…
Show this thread
19 replies 164 retweets 470 likes
Greg Rubini
8h8 hours ago
Great video by The Patriot Hour @ThePatriotHour about this [THREAD]:
between 80 (up to 140) Dems congressmen will be prosecuted and brought to jail
"Why Nancy Pelosi has not yet been arrested for Treason?"
think: [STING] Operation
25 replies 245 retweets 570 likes