people should use her middle name more often - as it's devil - well close enough to devil
surely you jest - look at this growth! was even called out by Q
It did a hell of a lot, SB2 and AB-BA series were facinating - A lot of people who would get shouted down by shills at the time here would take their research there and find a willing audience rather than the shoutchamber this place would often get to.
The shills have a bunch of off limit topics they flood the boards when they become an issue (certain Obama things, GWB, Central Banks and others) - and so trying to have a civil conversation about any of those and others was impossible - so instead some people would take their research and just post it all in bulk there. It was really nice : ) -
it also connected Q to a few anon's but I can't talk about that yet.
Just trust me…. GA was great for some, and apparently not great for you, but it was great for some.
just going to have to agree to disagree then. I wish we still had it or if voat could crush numbers like GA did - but I doubt it ever will. ppl only herd towards comfortable places and the cult controls all of them, even 8chan. Tho I still find that odd since I know the guy who currently owns 8chan is not cult - and presumably bought it just to facilitate Q - yet somehow he lets his mods be cia shills? it confuses me but meh - 8chan has advantages I suppose The captcha being the only one that comes to mind atm
I meant 4chan for the first half of that statement - somehow Iv'e been at 8chan so long now that I couldn't even write the distinction
not everyone likes places like this, different strokes for different folks or however that saying goes. Truthfully we are censored from the entire internet including 4chan thanks to cia mods - this is the last refuge - and we only regrouped barely on voat thanks to this place - so really it's just this place. We desperatley need more places to grow but they are all cult controlled. our movement could be infinitely bigger and better than it curently is but that's why they hit us so hard - all here - so they can propagandize us in one place rather than risk many places where the truth gets out. I can't even ask certain questions here without getting a dozen shills hitting me. But I digress - you get my point
no, you don't understand how I got there, my story is something out of like a fucking spy novel, but I do understand what you mean. We just disagree slightly, because I do agree with you that they are self destructing - but we have no proper way to facilitate a structured argument between a poster of a post an a thousand anons - one of which may have a particularly great thing to say and gets upvoted - here we only have notables that only nerds like me and maybe you listen to - but most don't - but most would understand and appreciate the structure of something like Reddit versus this for certain conversations.