You want wars? Well, that's how you get wars!
Lots of people thinkin' they're shot callers these days.
I assume everyone saw the Krassensteins get sodomized on plebbit?
So, in your opinion, threats and codes to assassinate the POTUS are not worthy of being notables.
I'm sure they took selfies for their "Faggots of Ft. Myers" compendium.
Mockingbirds don't sing when they're scared stiff.
Under "Day", is that "friend"?
Jesse was hiding behind a dumpster when MLK was shot by Not James Earl Ray
Commie kiddie diddler
Donna tweeted #PresidentPelosi soon
The only way that happens is if POTUS and VP are dead.
Then she tweeted Abe and Hamilton, both shot, on a day known for the assassination of a political figure.
You are how stupid our enemies are.