So its origins are from the Taurean Age?
The Age of Taurus (The Taurean Age)
Main article: Sacred bull
When the March equinox used to occur in Taurus;
Neil Mann interpretation: began c. 4300 BC and ended c. 2150 BC
Patrick Burlingame interpretation: began c. 4006 BC and ended c. 2006 BC
Constellation boundary year:
Shephard Simpson interpretation: began c. 4525 BC and ended c. 1875 BC[53]
"The Age of Earth, Agriculture, and the Bull" This age is claimed to have occurred approximately around the time of the building of the Pyramids in Egypt.
Religious similarities[edit]
Bull worshiping cults began to form in Assyria, Egypt, and Crete during this mythological age.
Ankh: thoracic vertebra of a bull - Egyptian symbol of life
Worship of Apis, the bull-deity (see also Bull (mythology)), the most important of all the sacred animals in Egypt, said to be instituted during the Second Dynasty of the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and worshipped in the Memphis region until the New Kingdom (16th century BC).
When Moses was said to have descended from the mountain with the ten commandments (c. 17th – 13th century BC, the end of the Age of Taurus), some of his people or followers were found by him to be worshipping a golden bull calf. He instructed these worshippers to be killed. This represents Moses "killing" the bull and ending the Age of Taurus, and ushering in the Age of Aries, which he represents.[54]