Anonymous ID: 090505 Jan. 21, 2019, 5:47 p.m. No.4854189   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump’s nomination of Barr: insanity or “part of the plan”?


Anons, interesting article. A bit concernfaggy, author speaks like a chansman, excellent background with refs (sauce has photo of Barr & Creepy Joe Biden): e.g.,


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Trump won the presidency in 2016 on the power of the single mandate to “drain the swamp”, and Destroy the Deep State. A vicious global struggle continues to be waged on every front between populist reformers led by Trump and the Deep State/New World Order. This war is taking place in every nation and on every continent. The stakes are deadly. Time is running short.


The Justice Department has been ground zero in this war…


Why is William Barr—the antithesis of a “patriot” and the swampiest of swamp monsters— now being inserted into the middle of what is supposed to be a “white hat” anti-corruption operation? The move is baffling.


Why did Trump make the pick—the sole pick—so immediately, seemingly without thorough vetting?


Who recommended Barr for the job? The “white hats”, or the “black hats” that have never stopped planting assassins into Trump’s inner circle?


Is it significant or coincidental that the Barr pick came shortly after the death of George H.W. Bush?


Does Trump, who made the pick but claims that he “does not know” Barr (do we believe this?) realize that Barr—“Robert Johnson”—is the Deep State swamp’s most loyal operators and protectors? And that Barr is deeply connected and loyal to everyone and everything that Trump opposes? …


Why would Barr go against everything he helped create and everything he stood for?


Why would he undo his own criminal handiwork by prosecuting his own lifelong criminal colleagues and friends? Barr’s career has been about saving the Deep State and the New World Order that he helped make invincible. Why would he do any differently now?


For reasons known only to him, Trump has surrounded himself with bad actors, too many to count. Mike Pence (longtime Bush loyalist), John Bolton, H.R. McMaster, etc. etc. Trump’s cabinet has been in constant flux, with many shakeups underway. But William Barr is an entirely different level of criminal…


Have Trump and his forces “turned” or leveraged Barr? Is it even possible to control someone like him? “Once CIA, always CIA.”…


Is this the “draining of the swamp”, or is Barr the swamp’s ultimate victory, and the end of Trump?



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