Anonymous ID: 62aafb Jan. 21, 2019, 5:24 p.m. No.4853852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3911 >>3956 >>4043 >>4277 >>4309


Let me encourage you. EVERYTHING is going as planned. As to the arrests etc. They are happening. Granted one REALLY has to work hard to keep up.. but by following planefags.. one can know when comings/goings out of Gitmo are occurring. By checking the list of resignations/firings, one can know who is leaving etc. Must remember… Cannot start at the top EVER. Gotta start with the low hanging fruit. As those birds 'sing' then the ones above them will have their portfolio completed and their arrest may commence. This thing with the Catholic Kid?? have you seen RBG recently? The 'rumor' is she will be replaced by a sitting Judge who is Catholic… and is conservative.. Well.. connect the dots.. You think the DS is going to sit down for this one? NO. So.. they are already building in peoples minds and grooming them to HATE Catholics. See how that works? In the meantime.. NP isn't going anywhere (I personally think her passport has been taken which would mean she is already indicted, but not under arrest just yet) …so.. there's tons going on. And we must remember to PRAY for POTUS.. Pray for the Plan and most of all SAFETY for everyone involved. Scouts out.

Anonymous ID: 62aafb Jan. 21, 2019, 5:34 p.m. No.4853995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4230


well… someone mentioned having an ANON at Fox news… that's why the RBG thing… personally.. I think there are more than a few Anons over there. I also believe they watch the boards..just to verify what they hear elsewhere… :)