Anonymous ID: 649dfe Jan. 21, 2019, 5:10 p.m. No.4853639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3661 >>3726

I think it’s safe to say that we are all pretty lost in terms of where we are in “the plan”. For the longest time we have felt arrests could be imminent. But there is really no clue to what the time frame is, and I think being a helpless spectator is very difficult for many of us.


I think most of you are great, but I don’t come here to get opinions, or even hear your research (which is quite often very impressive by the way). I can get all of that from other places on the internet.


Honestly, I come here for one purpose, and that is to hear from Q. It is tough going long stretches without any drops, because I want to have direction, and be able to anticipate what is next.


On the flip side, I know none of you are here to hear from me either, so I’ll end it by saying the anons are a fantastic group and Q came to the right place, I just hope he continues to come back to this place.