Anonymous ID: 736b11 Jan. 21, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.4854299   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Questions that will trip him up;


What unit were you with, CO, which FOB were you at. When you zero in on specifics, he will through his hands and say, I don't want to talk about that (blames on flash backs). Most combat grunts don't talk freely, you have to pull it out of them.


If you Listen to Philips, he's trying to convince you he's very special. Challenge his claim, watch his facial expression and eye contact. Each challenge is when you'll see the ugly side come out of him.


He's put himself in the public, there is much to be learned of him, hit closer to his home of records and follow to his present location. Skeletons will most likely be closer to home of records. Nathan started building Nathan somewhere and he added a little more each time the further he went, which can become a burden. Hope Anons keep digging on him .