Anonymous ID: 7e7489 Jan. 21, 2019, 5:05 p.m. No.4853598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3827 >>4031

>>4851670 (pb)

This may have been my logical conclusion but I'm hoping I'm wrong. If I'm not, clearly we already lost. But if this movement is for real, then we can still win.


All I was saying is that I've seen many MANY times in my research of the cabal that they always attempt to control BOTH sides of the argument. If they control both sides, they control the whole argument, therefore we fight each other and they win. This Q movement is clearly a side of the argument, lead by Q, an anonymous person on the internet somehow connected to POTUS. We don't know who he is, anything about him, or even how he's connected to POTUS other than they drop crumbs and tweets that synch. But how do we know for sure that POTUS and Q are white hats and not another part of controlled opposition to the NWO? People believed AJ was once legit too… and look and him now.


Just using my God-given brain and logical thinking, as Q has told us all to do. Don't hate me for it. My family and I, as well as you and your familes, all deserve a future free of this cabal.

Anonymous ID: 7e7489 Jan. 21, 2019, 5:28 p.m. No.4853920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4000 >>4019


You're right. I don't know anything for sure. I just know what I read and see and try to use my own logic to figure it out. There is, however, one thing I DO know for sure. I'm sure every red-blooded God-loving patriot with a family and a gun is about sick of this ridiculous "movie" we are all watching. Stop playing games and GET SHIT DONE. I'd much rather see arrests and military tribunals. Send the military in and start taking down these corrupt satan worshipping pieces of shit. Stop playing games in DC and go get the bastards who have been making us suffer, who have been raping and sacrificing children, who have been stealing our wealth and poisoning us slowly while we just try to LIVE OUR LIVES.


If you would rather play head games and move chess pieces on a board than actually get work done, then stay at your desk in DC. Tell me where the fuck they are and I'll gladly grab some of my buddies and we'll go get them ourselves.

Anonymous ID: 7e7489 Jan. 21, 2019, 5:49 p.m. No.4854204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4227 >>4303


There's plenty Q hasn't even touched. Some of which is highly odd and doesn't make sense why he hasn't mentioned it. He's never mentioned the Bilderberg group… He also has touched on MKUltra and graphics of how signals are dispersed through cell phones and towers, yet never mentioned 5G. He could easily squash the concernfagging on that if he said which way it's going to go, but he doesn't. He never mentions chemtrails even though high quantities of aluminum oxide have been found everywhere in soil tests… If he's done he left out a lot.