Anonymous ID: bd9510 Jan. 21, 2019, 5:20 p.m. No.4853787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3794 >>3802 >>3806 >>3821 >>3826 >>3839 >>3858 >>3861 >>3891 >>3922 >>4150 >>4241

Hi Anons, I was wondering if I could get a hand here. We've got a group here that would like to change the Bible. Apparently there are more than 20,000 manuscripts. So, we're going to need a lot of people with very specific skills sets.

Those who know how to change a manuscript so it doesn't appear to have been tampered with.

Insiders who can get us access to these manuscripts that are in multitudes of secure locations throughout the world.

Language specialists, who can work on changing the manuscripts that are in Greek, Latin, as well as Syriac, Slavic, Gothic, Ethiopic, Coptic and Armenian.

We're quite confident we can do this as I've heard from some really clever people on 8 chann that this has been done multitudes of times in the past. .

Let me know if you can help and what your skill set is. Thanks in advance.