Something seems to be going on in San Antonio. Doomsday just left there and flew back to Lincoln NE. We have a SAM Gulfstream flying in from Florida and doing a drop off/pick up. Watching the SAM, suspect it's headed for DC.
He sounds like a repeating geyser spouting the same shit over and over and over again like fuxin clockwork. I'm bored with it, I bet you are bored with it, the guy on the ad who likes his pre-lubricated catheters is bored with it. Do you think this is news to anyone that's likely to pay attention?
Catholic schools are run by liberals? You are shitting us right? Have you ever met a nun?
Would be nice if the entire Catholic community in KY showed up to have a spontaneous gun swap meet around the same time.
Second hand says 42 10:10:42 - (William Jefferson Clinton)
Anon is thinking of Dig Dug
I kinda hope he is working for the constitutional republic and not for any one person/party. That would be refreshing.
He does mixed martial arts. Guess he lost a bout.