Barney Rubble in drag…just another family sacrifice to Baphomet the faggot trannie god. They are making them in huge numbers now. Because the Jew has proclaimed the "future to be faggot." (they made that saying…look it up). And Jews think they can sell anything with the right advertising….now they want to sell trannies and honosexuality. Because Jews removed the feminine from the trinity. It is all male for the Jews. It explains their insanity. They worship a faggot God. But like lots of gays they have kept that truth in the closet.
Probably a slow movement will start to fire the secret deep state faggots in the government that our guys have put on a list somewhere. A culling will likely slowly start.
Honestly you would have to be a normie to not question the actual sex of any famous news woman. They have put out sooooo many trannies that the market is flooded with them.
Does anyone notice that will a partial shutdown that nothing seems real wrong on the surface? It makes the shutdown employees seem redundant. I wonder if they are mostly like Mafia Union Job workers. No shows? Paid for nothing as a political spoils process for votes and favors and racial quota type shit. Anyone think so?
The Fed is designed to create bubbles and then pop them when the blood line Jews have removed their funds. It allows them to use the bubble crash cycle to gain a higher and higher percent of a nations wealth over time. It is a tried and true technique to gather up the lions share of any targeted nations wealth.
The Jews seem to be basically gypsies(nomadic grifters) with a much better game plan and technique.
I void any contract the Jew tricked some greedy Goy who claimed to represent me into accepting. Fuck em all.
Downward triangle… pepe bringing back the feminine?
If this is really the case then it will make a great movie someday.
Honestly if you want to convince lots of NPCs of the truth we need to start making movies that tell our stories. Like a movie that shows the Jews setting the bombs in the World Trade Center. Using the baby nuke in the basement…Jews dancing. The FBI cucks coming into talk with them and telling them to stay cool they were going home. Showing the Rothschhilds partying and watching the Twin Towers fall while it happened. Showing the Jews telling us the plans to invade a bunch of arab countries. Showing the Jews and The CIa and saudi making Isis. Showing Jew plants acting like Isis and cutting peoples heads off.
Fucking show it…
I know other groups are involved in fuckery. But I also know who they trust to run the banks the media and the brownstone blackmail groups.
Seems to be Jews all the time. So I am open to jailing everyone involved. No problem with that. But Eskimos dont run the banks, the media or the blackmail. The mexicans dont run the banks the media or the blackmail. The italians dont run the banks the media or the blackmail
Jooz do. What say you?
Why dont you name your top 50 people you consider (((they))) and we can figure this out together.
(((They))) want us divided.
We got to have some DNA information on who this (((they))) is. Is there some flow chart that we can finally release that shows the actual breakdown of the enemy? Who and what? Are we not at a point where we need to start naming names?
Tell us who is P. Tell us what exactly it is.
Breakdown the latest MI power list of who we are going after if we need to not focus so much on Jews because there are almost always routes to put the Jews back in the mix. Folks say Jesuits…but they seem to be real connected to the Crypto Portuguese Jews. People say Masons but evidence has Jews infiltrating them 180 years or more ago. British Crown has evidence they are all Jews.
What gives….can we get some names?