Anonymous ID: c83203 Jan. 21, 2019, 7:51 p.m. No.4855919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4855862 (LB)

I think that's the point. They keep dropping all of these bombshells about how bad the courts, DoJ, and FBI were… when Obama was President. Even the things that happened after Trump took over were a result of Obama holdovers that have since either resigned or been fired.

Anonymous ID: c83203 Jan. 21, 2019, 7:55 p.m. No.4855958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5986 >>6049


Not Q, anons coming up with their own "decodes" of what Q was saying, typically failing to take into account the fact that some things aren't meant to be understood until after their related events have occurred.

Anonymous ID: c83203 Jan. 21, 2019, 7:57 p.m. No.4855982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6218


National Emergency is just a threat he's using to get the media reporting on the things he wants them to report on and/or distracting them from the things he wants done behind the scenes. They're that stupid.


He's building the wall anyway, no NE necessary.

Anonymous ID: c83203 Jan. 21, 2019, 8:18 p.m. No.4856256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6283 >>6295 >>6556


What a fucking dumbass. Trump doesn't need to declare an emergency to build the wall you idiot. He's already doing that and he's been tweeting about it for several months.


Pull your head out of your ass fucking moron.

Anonymous ID: c83203 Jan. 21, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.4856303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6581 >>6596


There's no "excuses," he's not done yet. You stupid fucks are soooo certain that things must happen on YOUR timelines, because, you know, you've prosecuted so many decades long conspiracies involving hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of people, numerous multi-national corporations as well as countries, in your pathetic careers. Hint: there's a reason Trump didn't hire YOU - you're too fucking stupid.

Anonymous ID: c83203 Jan. 21, 2019, 8:41 p.m. No.4856570   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They've been doing that since she was nominated. She was the liberal savior. She's an abomination of the principal of justice. How Scalia managed to "respect" her legal viewpoints is beyond me (let alone maintain a friendship with someone so obviously opposed to everything he held dear).