Anonymous ID: d14da2 Jan. 21, 2019, 7:56 p.m. No.4855967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5984 >>6123 >>6157 >>6186

Communism is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by disguising it as State power.


The central banking cartel is the ultimate monopoly. It has an almost global monopoly over government credit. Its goal is to translate this into a monopoly over everything – political, cultural, economic and spiritual. One world government = Rothschild monopoly = Communism.

Communism is really monopoly capitalism. The Illuminati own orcontrol everything.


Their agenda is to protect their money monopoly by extending it into a monopoly over everything - power, knowledge, culture, religion – by re-engineering humanity to serve them. This is the real meaning of Communism. This requires the breakdown of nation, race, religion (God) and family (gender). This is why Western nations are flooded by migrants. Why Communist and LGBT values are foisted on children. Why universities have been neutered. Why corporations and banks promote migration and homosexuality. Why the foreign policy of the West is bent on destroying any resistance (Russia, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Korea.) Society is satanically possessed. Freemasonry and Organized Jewry are their instruments. Why do so few "pundits" get this? The process of human reengineering has advanced to the point where society is an accomplice in its own destruction. This was all laid bare in 1938 by Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky when he was arrested by Stalin's NKVD. His interrogation was leaked and published under the title "The Red Symphony."