She was born on Oakland. Stop pushing this.
It's also possible that she's almost dead.
This comes up from time to time.
It's because of how search engines work. Those tripcode strings only appear here. What is also found here are a bit of every conspiracy theory, pseudoscience, and crackpottery that can be found on the internet. So the search engine associates Q's tripcodes with those other topics. And as a result Q's tripcodes become associated with books on those other topics. Thus when you search for a tripcode the search engine thinks you might be interested in books on conspiracy theory, pseudoscience, and crackpottery.
oops, very redundant explanation. Rewrite artifact.
>A natural born citizen means that BOTH parents were US citizens at the time of a person's birth.
Fren, you are misinformed.
>In what way?
"natural born" only means that they were a citizen at birth according to whatever criteria makes someone so. Currently, there are no requirements that the parents be citizens (or even in the country legally) if the person's birth occurred on US soil.
What the criteria should me is a different discussion.
>Does it really compile to show truth?
A computer does know what "truth" is. Search engines find associations between terms.
On all fairness, the topic has never come up.