Anonymous ID: 8232a6 Jan. 21, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.4857325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7343 >>7377 >>7381 >>7392 >>7445


None of us here really know when anything is going to happen. If anyone says they do, they lie.


Clock fags pretend to know and manipulate their charts to say something in the past lined up and therefore something in the future is going to line up similarly. Do they really know? Doubt it.


Numerology fags play with their sums and pretend certain sequences of numbers mean stuff. I’ve played with numbers all my life and can create such bullshit with the best of them, but they don’t know,either.


Just this morning an anon predicted a Q post today and that was wrong. I predicted no Q post today and even though I was correct today, I could have easily been wrong as well. We just don’t know.


Q has said many times it takes time to get everything ready. Bringing charges against HRC means nothing if we don’t have the DOJ and Judiciary cleaned up first. She’d just walk and double jeopardy would apply.


I watch POTUS tweets for clues and of course follow Q and the notables here.


It’s hard not to become impatient, but there are good people working for us. Just know the forces of evil are still out there and working against us, and defeating them will take time.


I want to see arrests start, but I also want the system fixed so the DS will hang for their crimes.


It will take time.

Anonymous ID: 8232a6 Jan. 21, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.4857451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7466


Point accepted. My prediction of no Q post on Monday was based on observation of Q posting patterns over time as they line up with daily events. I was right this time, but Q and POTUS have a way of surprising me from time to time, so I I include myself in the list of people who really don’t know.


Hoping for the best, working against the worst in my small way.