So…. RBG is dead or near death….. bad guys want to use a look alike and assume their media will give them cover…. our side says "oh yeah?" Through collapsing the catholic boys story as well as Cohen, message sent: "You dont control the media anymore."
So…. RBG is dead or near death….. bad guys want to use a look alike and assume their media will give them cover…. our side says "oh yeah?" Through collapsing the catholic boys story as well as Cohen, message sent: "You dont control the narrative anymore."
No…… not just that…. both of those stories were ticking time bombs. False flags! Thats why Tucker had to explain to the cult that Mueller was working with us, cause they couldnt understand how that bomb got lit given it required Muellers participation
actually I realize now there are multiple layers to this…. lawsuits against the media, Tucker Carlson saying Mueller might be on our side… our side flipped a lot of cultists that we can use now in FF operations against the media and we can sue the pants off them throught he coverage they give to those ticking time bombs.
Ok…. all together now that I've thought it through
RBG is dead or near death….. bad guys want to use a look alike and assume their media will give them cover…. our side says "oh yeah?" But this rabbit hole is deeper than it seems. Follow me on this one.
The past week has been dominated by stories collapsing on the MSM…. collapsing the catholic boys story as well as Cohen, message sent: "You don't control the narrative anymore." No…… not just that…. both of those stories were ticking time bombs. False Flags!
Thats why Tucker Carlson had to explain to the cult that Mueller was working with us, cause they couldn't understand how that bomb got lit given it required Mueller s participation
As for the Catholic boys story? Well, we have been flipping cultist families en mass for the past two years. we can use them in FF operations against the media to red pill the masses. But more than that, because they can further be used to sue themselves!