On March 7th, 2017, Paul released the 1st of the Vault 7 series & named it "Year Zero."
Remember when Paul said on March 9th, 2017, that only 1% of the total leak was released? The other 99% were not released & were probably used as lverage.
Just how important are those files to the CIA & just how much do they 'matter'?
Just imagine, Paul, only 1 man, (an Aussie at that…) uttering the words "splinter [the CIA] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds," from an embassy. The very same words that unfortunately led up to the assassination of a very good US president.
At least 7,818 'dumb' employees at the CIA know who Paul is, what he looks like, his location, but can't do a thing about it. "Only winning move is to…"
& if they do act in retaliation, it would be "counter-productive."
Just think about the profoundness of that for a moment.
That's indubitably the best standoff in the history of the world.
The Tank Man in Tiananmen Square pales significantly in comparison.
There aren't many people that have threatened the CIA at this level & lived to tell about it.
& not only has he threatened the CIA, but he has been trolling them for awhile now. The world's most feared agency, threatened & trolled into submission by 1 man.
Just that alone might give you a pictorial view as to the magnitude of the contents of the files.