Anonymous ID: 933d21 Jan. 29, 2019, 11 a.m. No.4953423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3438 >>3439 >>3684 >>6507 >>7779


















Seriously, IF YOU ARE FOR "LIGHT" Why are you trying so hard to crack "Q"? Once "Cracked" you could forecast the next event in a series and use is for PURE EVIL? Since you can not confirm and verify, that means NO ONE HERE CRACKED THE REAL CLOCKFAG WHEEL!


Way to honest for you all playing for the "Dark" forces trying to CRACK "Q". I'm into thinking the Trillions of levels you EVIL ametures are playing?


If clock was cracked, what EVIL PURPOSE will you use it for and what is the REAL PURPOSE?


What you think is "Good" for "Light" is actually "EVIL" for "DARK" now isn't it? Why are claiming to be a Patriot for Q and Trump, yet you gathered a Army TRYING TO CRACK "Q" Codes? What is your purpose and what will you then use it for? If you crack it in public, wouldn't you also open that doorway for Deep State "Dark" "Evil" to 100% Know and counter and place defenses?


See how easily one self brainwashes themselves, and unverified evidence never has been verified as to what side you are supporting? "How" in gods name can you trying to Crack "Q's" code BE MADE FOR GOOD? It can't now can it? It is only "EVIL" so they can place defensives to save their souls to survive yet you Clockfags always openly WANT TO CRACK "Q"?


Again, what is your end game? Why are you supporting Dark Evil by doing all you can to forecast the next move of "Q"? Is knowing Q's next move REALLY FOR GOOD PURPOSES? If so, "HOW" can "Light" benefit for knowing "Qs" next move be positive to the "Q" movement?


See how easily you all get so involved, that the truth be twisted by your very own minds, by not comprehending you now flipped for pure evil purposes? So what is your end game once Cracked, and What Good Will you have done for Q, Trump, your nation and its benefits? The only outcome will be to Destroy "Q" and his plans now won't it? Not 1 benefit for "Light" and "Q" and the 100s of millions of people who trust and believe in Q - all you are working to Destroy. Perfect mind control by having the faithful flip from Light to Dark, under their owns minds, and they can not comprehend the flip, inside their own heads….


Think about it… What "GOOD" can come from cracking "Q" and "How" will it benefit the Q Community and your nation.


The wheel you have is not the Real Wheel you ameutuers… To play a mans game of the mind, you must understand the mind and how easily it can flip, which obviously none of you newbies can comprehend… You are stuck in K2 classroom, but trying to act like a college level degree…. My god are you all that dumb to not see you are trying to Harm Q and your nation, and you support "Dark"?


To learn what is going on, just read Q and Trumps tweets. Thats all you need and you can let you mind think…. But an Army of code crackers to take Q down and you can't comprehend it?



Anonymous ID: 933d21 Jan. 29, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.4953439   🗄️.is 🔗kun







MIND CONTROL IN ACTION. See how people are "Brain Connected" to non body parts. They slowly reprogram individual brains themselves by mind "RE-setting" and "inserting" into each human brain. You will see how THE PERSON BRAINWASHES THEMSELVES - YET THEY HAVE NO IDEA THEY ARE HAVING THEIR BRAINS FLIPPING. So you each are self brainwashing your very own mind, yet your mind and conscienness can not comprehend it as it happens. This is what "Qresearch" and clockfags and "Bakers" are doing on these boards.


See how anyone with hope loses common sense and any person can "FLIP" its meaning - without the person comprehending nor seeing how THEY themselves "Flipped" right to wrong in one's meaning?


Light suppose to be verifiable, evidence driven, and exposed and for good, yet, 8ch programs only have a One Way Deep Dark Black Bottomless Pit for information, where nothing comes out or back to its feeders as "Light"?


This is how humans are brainwashed to believe Truth is Lies and Lies is Truth - and whats worse, humans did it to themselves, so you can no comprehend what was done to yourselves! Of course, if someone else tried to brainwash you, you'd know but its so Specialized, humans do it to themselves, so they leave no evidence, nor does their brainwashing target comprehend what happened or is happening to them… Until someone like me explains it to you and how it happened… Understand how I View "LIGHT" using "Trust But Verify" as we all need to do?


We see Antifa and all the millenials who have no common sense, well, this is how the masses brainwash themselves by data alone, and leaves behind no fingerprints of any person to tell you how to think? No one told me what to "think" yet you were all provided all the ingredents of information, so your brain gets "STEERED" to think "Light" is their "Dark" and its real.


Oh how easily you all here were also "Brainwashed" and your own "Flipped" without your consious mind comprehending your actions and brains reversed…


Love Q and Trump and STOP pushing all your fantasy theories by CReATING FANTASY STORYLINES THAT ARE LIES! See how your minds "THINKS" these theories and ties are REAL, yet you can not verify a single one with evidence…


Oh how the strongest and most self thought educated ones are "too smart" to be brainwashed… What ever happened to "TRUST BUT VERIFY"? Notice not a single Bakers Bread crumb never once ever was used in any DC court case ATTEMPTED charge, nor was used for "LIGHT"? 10,000+ of your tips and connections and not 1 word letter ever came back to Q community as "LIGHT"?


So facts don't matter hey? If you love Q and Trump, why are you "creating" pure fantasy theory to sway the masses about Q and push them as Factual? You make it so complicated that you are all just Jokes, and harms the Q movement by your addiction of lies…




"How" and "Who" will BENEFIT from all your fake Clock fag cracking? Only Deep State Right - yet you ARE PART OF A ARMY TO HELP DEEP STATE COUNTER TRUMP's MOVES! What will YOU DO ONCE YOU CRACK Q CLOCK? Nothing right? How will it HELP YOUR NATION and PATRIOTS FIGHTING to take back our natioN?

Anonymous ID: 933d21 Jan. 29, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.4953533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3556 >>5875



So explain what benefit this will have once your Q clock is cracked for True Patriots. Simple.


No good can come from True Honest Patriots as you fake clockfag's now can it - yet you do this as pure evil to help Deep State.


Oh how you hide under good, yet you participate in such pure evil against our nation…

Anonymous ID: 933d21 Jan. 29, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.4953682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3713 >>7779



What benefit is it to you Cracking Q clock for True Nations Patriots of our Country?


I only see your actions as helping Deep State, so they can counter all upcoming events against Trump by knowing their upcoming moves and current moves.


Clockfag's crakcing only benefits Deep State in needed to know what is coming so they can place their defenses and counter each Trump or Q moves.


So how does it positively benefit Truth and Trump/Nations Patriots by continually having a army to crack Q?


Explain Patriot logic and endgame once Q clock is cracked?