Shills hate the clock so much they be shillin on the dedicated clockfag thread.
>>5184991 (pb)
>ChongqingBo Xilai, pug in place by Roths/ Sor in China. They wanted him to be President over Xi
>He was buddies w Feinstein too
>His wife kills Hayward, evidently a spy working for/with M16 & Hakluyt.
>I’ll give links to 2 articles, one is very long but easy to read & has good background info & the 2nd one tied Xilai to UK, Can, US, Huntsman - former ambassador & more
Anon this morning found the Roth link to Chongqing I was looking for. Potus 'he' tweets were on a 1 year delta with Q's ha post which was directed at that fag David Mic who showed fore knowledge of the repub train wreck. Yesterday's Chongqinq op could be the [next week] in Q post 699.