FINALLY - A more logical clocks! Out of the BILLIONS of clocks, love how clockfags believe the clock they are using are REAL! Love how all these newbies where no one goes back to the 1st time this FAKE WHEEL was POSTED! They even stated IT IS NOT REAL, and was just one they found! Yet their are 100s of variations!
Imagine if the clock started 1 Jan at 0001 yet this one does NOT? Totally different outcome, yet this one did not start the 1st day. Nor did the 1st post start in the right position…
You are playing a game that you will get CLUES for any business, organization, person, etc, who post on twitter.
Guys, if you put THIS 100% exact same THEORY to say ANY TWITTER ACCOUNT, you will get THE EXACT SAME "Theories"! Point - pick any website like CNN and play your game. You will also find clues in theirs, but of course, you will not even try.
-So what is the END GAME of your QUEST?
-"WHO" will BENEFIT most from Cracking?
-"WHO" are you SERVING on cracking? Light or Dark?
-"WHY" would LIGHT try to crack LIGHT?
-"WHY" would DARK try to crack LIGHT?
-"WHO" is NOT "Who" you think it is!
-RU Deep State or Patriot?
-"WHO" would Patriot join army to crack fellow "Patriot"?
-"WHO" is 8ch/Qresearch run by?
-"WHO" pays its Army?
-Neverending LOVE is LIGHT
-Neverending HATRED is DARK
-"What" happens to free outside the box commenters? Love/Hatred?
-PROOF / Explaination coming within 24 hours!