Anonymous ID: 13c523 Jan. 22, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.4861653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1702 >>1902

The Pelosi Promotion



POTUS’ third pick for SCOTUS upcoming

SCOTUS in conservative control for decades

Roe v Wade finally undone

The slaughter of millions of innocents in the womb halted

Unbearable for the DS


The Pelosi Promotion

Flee to EU

Take [AS]

Take entire family

Pick flight crew of loyalists

DNC engages jihadist to assassinate POTUS and VP

With her own flight crew she can count on being able to get on a plane and take off

Pelosi sworn in as POTUS on plane in international territory

Her plane is now AF1

Pelosi names [AS] as her VP

Pelosi knows that if she returns to the USA she dies

Pelosi and [AS] seek protection with the EU globalists

Pelosi remains POTUS in absentia

Pelosi makes sure none of her family are left behind as hostages

DS rams liberal judge through Senate via Lindsay Graham, now Judiciary leader

DS makes sure compromised Chief Roberts remains compromised

Roe v Wade does not get overturned


POTUS grounding Pelosi was not tit-for-tat political payback

It halted a double assassination

It averted a constitutional crisis

It stopped a coup

This is how the DS pawn was to be promoted to queen.

POTUS focused on the Senate

DS focused on the House

Anonymous ID: 13c523 Jan. 22, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.4861766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1779


Go ahead and account for the fact that there's already a Reorganization Plan for the government completed, prior to the longest shutdown of useless bureaucrats in the history of the nation. We'll wait. As an aside, you probably believed the headline "Tornado hits New York City; women and minorities hit hardest."

Anonymous ID: 13c523 Jan. 22, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.4862059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2062


It's usually used in "just in the nick of time", or right before the sttf. Nuclear clock has been at 3 minutes to midnight for a while; we're in the 11th hour on that