When Q is talking about [-4][-5], are they talking about the temp in DC?
When Q is talking about [-4][-5], are they talking about the temp in DC?
Divide and conquer, and when all else fails, go after the kids….seeing a pattern in the MSM lately with this?
Look at this board for shit sake, It's been the Jared and Ivanka show with (((them))) since the Catholic story broke.
Some should take Chelsea's advice and leave the kids alone….kek
Religious war…Catholics vs. Jews.
(I'm sure i'll be sorry for typing that but it's true)
They HAVE to divide, it's natural to them.
No really, the Anon was right, you are watching a movie.
All of this already happened. POTUS is on stage 2 now of taking out the FED.
How many times does he have to tell you that your future is going to be great?
Sure, it's frustrating, but don't you want people to wake up instead of rioting? Up to you on how you want to deal with YOUR patience. Maybe this isn't the place for you. The Matrix movie wasn't far off with the blue pill…stay naive?
Come on here and can't divulge but want others to dig?
Thank you for nominating yourself. Come back with your findings.