Anonymous ID: 91be2b Jan. 22, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.4861415   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don't remember seeing this unsealed indictment when it broke. They in the news again today with a detention hearing. Chinese nationals running a prostitution ring.




A Concord couple is accused of running a sex-trafficking ring across New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.


Officials say they lured young Chinese women who spoke little to no English to work as prostitutes at multiple locations.


Federal prosecutors in Maine say that Shou Chao Li and his wife, Derong Miao, operated that ring out of rental properties and hotels across the three states. They’re accused of luring and enticing at least 27 women to the U.S. from China between July 2016 and February of this year.


Court documents show a long list of properties where prosecutors allege the pair conducted the illegal operation. Those properties include rental units on Harrington Avenue and West Street in Manchester, as well as locations in Dover, Portsmouth and Vermont and Portland, Maine.

Anonymous ID: 91be2b Jan. 22, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.4861734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1826 >>1912 >>1987 >>2060

Another name to dig on the New Knowledge, Alabama Election meddling


Rush named Matt Osborne as being a part of the Alabama election meddling a couple of weeks ago. Board search doesn't show anything on this guy. Time to dig. Image search for Matt Osborne and this fag shows up


From Rush Transcripts

They’re gonna be doing everything they can to intimidate their opposition into giving up. And I want to remind you — and I touched on this yesterday. There’s a little bit more news about it. Remember this Dry Alabama result that we had yesterday? There was I think some pretty big news made yesterday that has not even been repeated that was revealed on this program. What happened was Reid Hoffman, a tech Silicon Valley gazillionaire who cofounded LinkedIn contributed a hundred thousand dollars or more to an operation run against Roy Moore in Alabama, the special election there against Doug Jones, the Democrat.


They engaged in an operation made to look like the Russians were meddling and tampering in the election. It was a Democrat, leftist-run plot that was made to look like the Russians did it. It was a test as much as anything else. It was an effort to use Facebook and Twitter and bots to make it look like the Russians were tampering with the election, meddling in the election to elect Doug Jones, to help Roy Moore and to gin up opposition to Roy Moore. And it featured lies about Moore and lies about Doug Jones, both good and bad.


But the point is, it was exactly the kind of operation they say that Trump and the Russians cooperated in to defeat Hillary! Now, here are these people actually running one of these operations, made to look like Russians. Who’s to say that all of this Russian meddling from the get-go hasn’t been run by Democrats right out of the DNC, right out of the Hillary campaign?


And one of the prominent people in this organization running this op was one of the strategists running the Stop Rush movement, the harassment of advertisers. Creating bots and flooding advertisers’ emails with lying, stinking emails about things I was saying that I hadn’t said, trying to harm and damage the business here. The same people were doing it against O’Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Hannity over at Fox. The same guy running that operation was involved in the Dry Alabama.


Democrats are thick as thieves in this. And this kind of stuff is gonna be happening throughout.

So the irony here is that while we’ve had the last year and a half of our lives torn apart by an investigation into whether or not the Russians meddled and somehow cheated and arranged Trump getting elected when in fact the Democrats are the ones running these operations right out of the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democrat National Committee!


And reaction in the Drive-By Media (snoring). Nothing.

Matt Osborne is the guy who ran this operation, instrumental in it, as well as the Stop Rush movement.

And conservative media is not even picking this up and running with it. It’s just standing out there all alone. Dry Alabama. Tech, Silicon Valley, LinkedIn co-founder, the money behind the operation.