Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.4862278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2297 >>2330 >>2332 >>2336 >>2458 >>2519 >>2692 >>2777 >>2827

==TWITTER IS A SCAM-Verified Users Threaten to Murder, Physically Assault Minor Teens – And Keep Their Accounts as Conservatives Are Banned==


Twitter is a complete scam.


The social media platform proved this weekend, without a shadow of a doubt that they do not have a terms of service implemented to curb threats.


Twitter’s ‘rules’ or their ‘terms of service’ is only a front to ban conservatives, not to stop death threats.


We’ve known this to be true all along — now we have proof.


After a selectively edited video of the Covington Catholic teens went viral on Twitter, verified, bluecheck accounts accused the minor teens of mobbing and harassing a Native American activist — the full video of what transpired proved this narrative to be a huge lie.


The Native American activist approached the teens and began drumming in their faces after black racists taunted the boys with racial slurs.

Verified accounts ran with the lie and called for the murder, physical assault and even sexual crimes to be committed against the children.


These calls for violence against children clearly violate Twitter’s ‘Terms of Service,’ however they took no action against the accounts. Every single account is still up.


Conservatives and pro-Trump activists such as Laura Loomer and Alex Jones were permanently banned from Twitter for much less.


Conservatives, Christians and pro-Trump Twitter accounts are also targeted for shadowbanning.


A Twitter engineer even admitted in an undercover video obtained by Project Veritas that Twitter looks for keywords such as “Guns, God and the Cross” when deciding who to shadowban.


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey lied to Congress when he said he doesn’t discriminate against conservatives — it is a federal crime to “knowingly and willfully” give “materially” false statements to Congress, even if the person is not under oath, so when will lawmakers finally stand up and do something about this?

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.4862293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2372 >>2678

President Trump to Deliver SOTU Speech Jan. 29 as Scheduled – Location to be Announced


President Trump is moving full steam ahead to deliver his State of the Union Address despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s power play to postpone the President’s speech.


Pelosi previously cited security concerns and the government shutdown in her request to postpone President Trump’s SOTU address.


The President will not be deterred by Pelosi’s antics.


According to Fox News reporter John Roberts, the White House sent a letter to the Sergeant-At-Arms asking to schedule a walk-through for the SOTU address.


President Trump still plans on being at the Capitol on January 29th according to John Roberts.


President Trump has a backup plan if the Speaker does not allow him to deliver the SOTU from the House — The President will deliver his speech from somewhere outside of Washington DC. — location to be announced!

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.4862320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2402

Former Democrat: The Truth is Democrats Won’t Build Wall Because They’re Under Influence of Mexican Mafia


A former Democrat and current Trump supporter unloaded on Democrats. Jeffrey Peterson says the reason the Democrats will never support the border wall – the reason is that they are being paid off by the Mexican cartels.


Jeffrey Peterson states in his profile on Twitter that he is a former Democrat who ‘walked away’. He now is a Trump supporter! He claims that the Democrats will never give in on a wall due to the Democrats being funded by the Mexican mafia. He says he has connections with Arizona politics and says Mexico is the main reason the wall is not supported by the Democrat Party!



Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.4862345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2365

Top US Diplomat For European Affairs Resigns To Spend Time With Family


Another day, another key government figure exits stage left.


A. Wess Mitchell, 41, the top diplomat in charge of European affairs, will resign from the State Department next month according to the WaPo, creating a key vacancy at a time when European leaders are questioning Trump’s commitment to historic alliances.


However, unlike other prominent diplomat resignations who parted ways with the administration in silent and not so silent protest of Trump's policies, Mitchell cited personal and professional reasons in a Jan. 4 letter of resignation he submitted to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. His last day as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs is Feb. 15.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.4862370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692 >>2777 >>2827 >>2846

Cristiano Ronaldo accepts 2yr jail term and €19mln fine after pleading guilty to tax fraud


Portuguese football icon Cristiano Ronaldo has accepted a prearranged €18.8 million fine and a suspended 23-month jail term for tax fraud in Spain on Tuesday. The charges relate to his time at former club Real Madrid.


Juventus winger Ronaldo arrived at the Madrid court hand in hand with Georgina Rodriguez and dressed in an all-black outfit finished off neatly with white trainers and shades and gave a thumbs up and grin to the assembled reporters outside.


A judge had earlier rejected his request to enter the building via car to avoid paparazzi, meaning a media scrum greeted the 33-year-old, who found time to sign a sneaky autograph on his way up to the steps to court.


That meant just hours after Juventus' 3-0 Serie A win over Chievo, where he missed a penalty, Ronaldo made the journey from Turin to the Spanish capital, where he was highly expected to plead guilty to defrauding the Spanish treasury and sign a deal on the sentence and fine.


Due to the non-violent nature of Ronaldo's crime, and Spanish law dictating that a term of under two years incarceration can be served on probation for first-time offenders,the 5-time Ballon d'Or winner will not spend any time behind bars.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.4862394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2489 >>2692 >>2777 >>2827

Ex-US Marine Paul Whelan charged with spying was in possession of Russian ‘state secrets’ – lawyer


Paul Whelan, the ex-US Marine suspected of espionage in Russia, had documents containing state secrets at the time of his arrest in Moscow, his lawyer said. Whelan may not have been aware he had sensitive information, he added.


“I can confirm that at the time of his detention, Whelan had some documents containing state secrets, but I cannot go into details,” Vladimir Zherebenkov, who represents Whelan, told reports on Tuesday.


Zherebenkov, however, suggested that his client may have been unaware that he was in possession of the secrets. “How he got it, what he was supposed to do with it, and whether Whelan knew that he had secret information is unknown,” he said.


The former US Marine was seeking information on Russia of an “open” and “cultural” kind, the lawyer said, suggesting that his efforts were inspired only by his keen interest in Russian heritage.


“Whelan has been interested in Russia, he received education in culture studies, he has friends in Russia, so there is nothing surprising that he was keen to get information of cultural interest,” he said.


The problem arises from a flash drive that Whelan received, which contained the state secrets in question. His lawyer says the former Marine was only expecting to get data on Russian culture, including photos of Orthodox cathedrals. He claims that Whelan didn’t even have time to download the files.


The comments were made shortly before Whelan appeared before the Moscow City Court in a bid to secure his release from prison on bail. The court rejected the motion, ordering that Whelan should remain in pre-trial detention through February 28.


Russian authorities claim that Whelan, who was reportedly in Moscow to attend a wedding, was caught “red-handed” in an act of espionage. The US citizen also holds British, Canadian and Irish passports.


Zherebenkov spoke to reporters after the court hearing, telling them that there was no ‘smoking gun’ in the case, and that even state prosecutors have not been given access to the secret evidence being used to charge Whelan.


He left open the possibility that his client could be released in a spy swap with the United States.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.4862407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2430 >>2431

Supreme Court rules that Trump's ban on transgender troops can go into effect; CNN calls the ruling 'extreme'


The ruling lifts an injunction until lower courts can decide whether or not the ban is unconstitutional


The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the Trump administration's ban on transgender troops in the military can go into effect until lower courts issue a ruling on whether or not the ban is constitutional. CNN described this ruling as "extreme."


Though the high court lifted a temporary injunction on the ban, it did not issue a ruling on the case itself.

Here's what we know


In March, the White House issued a statement announcing that transgender people would be banned from military service on the basis that they presented a "considerable risk to military effectiveness and lethality." That policy reversed an Obama-era policy that had allowed openly transgendered people to serve in the military.


In April, a federal judge ruled against the ban and upheld a preliminary injunction preventing President Donald Trump's order from taking effect. The injunction had been issued in December 2017, a few months after Trump had announced on Twitter that he would be banning anyone who identified as transgender from being able to "serve in any capacity in the U.S. military."


Chief Justice John Roberts voted Tuesday with conservative justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh in favor of lifting the injunction and allowing the policy to go into effect, while liberal justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan voted against lifting the injunction.


However, the court did not take up the case itself. Lower courts will still decide the long-term future of the ban. The only thing the Supreme Court decided on Tuesday was that the ban could go into effect until such a time, if ever, that the lower courts ruled against it.

What did CNN say about it?


During its coverage of the decision, CNN correspondent Jessica Schneider said that the Supreme Court was "taking a pretty extreme step here" since the decision could stand for months or even potentially years while lower courts debated the case. "And yes, it will have consequences within the military," she added.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.4862453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692 >>2777 >>2827

Six Migrants kidnapped and held Belgian woman as sex slave for months



Italian authorities are investigating claims of a 32-year-old Belgian woman who says she was kidnapped by six migrants and forced into sexual slavery for two months.


The 32-year-old claimed to have been kidnapped by six Tunisian migrants and held from January to February 2017 in the city of San Remo on the Italian Riviera.


Investigators say that the woman, who lives on the Côte d’Azur, approached one of the men involved who offered to sell her drugs on the night of January the 10th.


The man took the opportunity to then force the woman to one of the homes of the migrants where she said she was repeatedly raped while being tied to a bed.


According to the victim, the six men were all from Tunisia and were aged between 23 and 50 years old.


She also described that one of them would stand guard in the house to make sure she had no opportunity to escape and then the men began not only taking turns raping her, but would take money from other men who raped her as well.


The woman was eventually released, and the six men have all been arrested. The victim is expected to testify in the case at a hearing set for the 25th of January.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.4862476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2594

Jewish group sues Brazilian cartoonist over Netanyahu & Bolsonaro ‘Nazi hug’ drawing


A Jewish community group in Brazil is suing an iconic political cartoonist for anti-Semitism, over a drawing depicting Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a “swastika embrace.”


The Jewish Federation of Rio de Janeiro filed the suit against the cartoonist Aroeira on January 15. The offending image shows both leaders hugging with their eyes closed while their arms form a swastika.


Both leaders have had a cordial relationship since the right-wing Bolsonaro came to power following tense elections in October, with the men declaring themselves a “brotherhood” during Netanyahu’s visit to Brazil for Bolsonaro’s inauguration earlier this month.


Bolsonaro, meanwhile, has pledged to move the Brazilian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and reaffirmed Israel’s right to have the city as its capital.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.4862510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692 >>2745 >>2777 >>2827

Jerome Corsi Adds Washington Post, Jeff Bezos To Lawsuit Against Mueller


Jerome Corsi has amended his lawsuit against special counsel Robert Mueller to include The Washington Post, its owner Jeff Bezos and one of the paper’s reporters.

The right-wing conspiracy theorist claims that he lost a $15,000-per-month severance arrangement with his former employer, InfoWars, after a Post reporter began asking questions related to the Mueller probe.

Corsi alleges that the reporter received leaks from Mueller’s office that he is investigating whether Corsi received hush money from InfoWars.

Corsi provides no evidence to back up his claims.


Conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi has added The Washington Post, its owner Jeff Bezos and one of the newspaper’s reporters to his lawsuit against the special counsel, claiming without evidence that WaPo received an illegal leak from prosecutors working on the Russia probe that ultimately caused him to lose a severance deal with InfoWars, his former employer.


Corsi alleges that WaPo reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia contacted him last Thursday to inquire about a $15,000-a-month severance arrangement he had with InfoWars, which is owned by Alex Jones. Corsi claims that Roig-Franzia suggested that the special counsel has been asking witnesses whether the severance deal was actually a hush money arrangement intended to keep Corsi quiet regarding Jones, InfoWars and Roger Stone, an InfoWars contributor who is in the special counsel’s crosshairs.


After that inquiry, Corsi says that Jones’ father, David Jones, contacted him to end their severance deal, which had been in place since Corsi was fired from InfoWars in June 2018.


Corsi initially sued special counsel Robert Mueller, the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA and the National Security Agency on Dec. 9, alleging that the government violated his Fourth Amendment due process rights while illegally leaking secret grand jury information.


The first lawsuit sought $350 million from the government. The amended complaint appears to be an attempt to capitalize on Bezos’ status as wealthiest man in the world. Corsi is seeking $1.6 billion in damages in the new complaint.


In the amended suit, Corsi claims that “defendants, working together in concert, are attempting to financially deplete Plaintiff Corsi.”


He is suing WaPo for “tortious interference with business relationships.”


Corsi, 72, has been involved in the special counsel’s investigation since late August 2018, when he was subpoenaed to meet with prosecutors working for Robert Mueller .


Prosecutors appear to be trying to figure out whether Corsi had contact with WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign and was told about the group’s plans to release emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. WikiLeaks began releasing those documents on Oct. 7, 2016.


Prosecutors also want to find out whether Corsi passed information to Trump associates, including Stone, a longtime confidant of Donald Trump.


Stone has vehemently denied that Corsi told him anything about WikiLeaks’ plans to release Podesta documents.


Cont. From images:

“One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.”


“Time to let more than Podesta to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC.”


“That appears to be the game hackers are now about.”


Stone has acknowledged receiving the email but asserts that the document does not show Corsi stating that WikiLeaks had Podesta’s emails or planned to release them.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.4862542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692 >>2777 >>2827

Remainer Rudd: 40 Ministers Will Resign to Vote Against No Deal Brexit


Up to 40 Government ministers could resign if they are blocked from backing proposals to postpone Brexit or block a clean break from the EU.


Remain-supporting Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Amber Rudd, sister of People’s Vote boss Roland Rudd, has told Number 10 that between 25 and 40 ministers could resign from Theresa May’s Government if Theresa May does not allow them a “free vote” in the House of Commons on the “Cooper amendment”, according to The Times.


If voted for, the amendment, backed by Labour’s Yvette Cooper and Tories Oliver Letwin and Nick Boles, would make sure that MPs are able to debate a bill that would force the Government to table a motion to extend Article 50 — the legal mechanism for leaving the EU — for a nine months after it officially runs out on March 29th, 2019.


Remainers and soft-Brexiters have been attempting to stop a “No Deal” Brexit after it was clear before Christmas that Mrs May’s unpopular Withdrawal Agreement would not make it through the House of Commons.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.4862607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2620 >>2692 >>2777 >>2827

WhatsApp down: Messenger not working across the world on iPhone and Android


The popular messaging software WhatsApp has broken down completely, just a day after Facebook announced it would restrict some forwarding features to crack down on ‘fake news.’


Users around the world, on both iOS and Android, have been unable to log into the app at all on on Tuesday. Those fortunate enough to open the program could not send or receive messages. The cause of the outage is unknown.


On Monday, Facebook announced that it would be restricting the amount of messages users can forward, ostensibly to improve privacy and security.


"Starting today, all users on the latest versions of WhatsApp can now forward to only five chats at once, which will help keep WhatsApp focused on private messaging with close contacts,” the company said. “We'll continue to listen to user feedback about their experience, and over time, look for new ways of addressing viral content.”

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.4862636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692 >>2777 >>2787 >>2827

Tijuana: 17 Murders in 28 Hours — 153 in January


Tijuana continues to notch cartel-related homicides with 17 registered in a 28-hour period over the weekend.


Cartel violence has now registered at least 153 murders for the month of January alone. Tijuana finished 2018 with a record-breaking 2,508 homicides, which was later adjusted upward by the state attorney general’s office to 2,518.


The most recent wave began on Saturday night at 8:26 pm when police were called to colonia Francisco Villa where a citizen reported an abandoned truck, according to local reporting. Responding officers discovered four male homicide victims wrapped in bed sheets. They displayed signs of torture. The bodies were later handed over to forensic personnel of the state attorney general’s office.


Additional homicides occurred at:


–1:43 am, Police discovered a murder victim who suffered multiple gunshot wounds in colonia Tres de Octubre.


–6:54 am, Police were directed to a murder victim with a gunshot wound to the head in front of a residence in colonia Colinas de Cortez.


–10:26 am, A bicyclist in colonia Mar de Vista found a murder victim who suffered multiple gunshot wounds.


–10:51 am, A victim with a gunshot wound to the head was located inside a residence in colonia La Gloria.


An additional 10 bodies were discovered–including two separate double homicides. The first was recorded east of Tijuana where two unknown male gunshot victims were discovered. The second was registered in colonia El Pípila, where two other male victims were found in the trunk of a burned vehicle.


The record-breaking cartel violence continues despite the federal government’s surge of military and federal police assets to the region at the end of 2018. The bloodshed is generally related to turf wars involving Cártel Tijuana Nueva Generación (CTNG), aligned with El Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación, against the Sinaloa Cartel. In some areas, rival factions within the Sinaloa Cartel are fighting for control of the lucrative street-level markets and smuggling routes into the United States. Those involved in the killings are primarily low-level dealers, lookouts, customers, and enforcers. Many of the street-level dealers are targets of rip-crews looking for cash and drugs.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.4862670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692 >>2777 >>2827

Erdogan: Turkey not to allow Syria safe zone to turn into ‘swamp’


Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the country will never allow the implementation of a militant-free safe zone in Syria to be turned into "a swamp" like the one in northern Iraq, where US-backed Kurdish militants launch attacks on Turkish soil.


Erdogan made the remarks at an official event in the Turkish capital Ankara on Monday.


"Our offer for a safe zone aims at keeping terrorists away from our borders. In another words, we are not talking of a safe zone against Turkey, but rather one against terrorists. We will never allow a safe zone that will turn into a new swamp for Turkey like the one in northern Iraq where we still experience problems," he said.


Erdogan said that Turkey would work with anyone willing to provide the country with logistic support for the planned establishment of a “20-mile safe zone” in northeastern Syria following US President Donald Trump's decision on December 19, 2018 to withdraw all 2,000 American troops from the Arab country.


The Turkish leader also said Ankara had “no hidden agenda” over Syria's territorial integrity and that it would hand over the northern Syrian town of Manbij to its real owners.


Manbij had been held by Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) militants, which Turkey regards as an offshoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militant group that has been fighting for an autonomous region inside Turkey since 1984.

Anonymous ID: 34b299 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.4862708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2734

Joe Biden: GOP Stole Florida and Georgia Governorships with ‘Voter ID Laws’


Former Vice President Joe Biden blamed Democrat losses in Florida and Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial races on Republican-driven electoral fraud via “voter ID laws” that “keep people from being able to vote.”


Biden also linked President Donald Trump to “white supremacists” and the “forces of hate” that led to the murder of Martin Luther King in 1968.


Biden made his allegations during Monday’s National Action Network’s annual breakfast in Washington, DC.– an organization founded and run by MSNBC’s Al Sharpton.


Upon taking the stage, Biden embraced Sharpton.


Biden said:


Years ago, there used to be a poll tax. Now, as our last speaker pointed out, just last year 24 states — 24 states — introduced or enacted at least 70 bills to make it harder for people to vote. They now use the voter ID laws like the poll taxes used to be used. Simply designed to keep people from being able to vote. We saw it in Georgia, in the governor’s race. We saw it in Florida. We saw it in other parts of the country. 2017. These guys never give up. We knew that. They never will give up. It’s like cutting grass, man. You cut it, it looks nice. But you let it go for awhile, it gets a little ugly, and it grows into a forest again. We can’t let this happen.