Anonymous ID: b27da5 Jan. 22, 2019, 10:04 a.m. No.4862229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2248 >>2284 >>2312

OK, so you want to do research? Then lets start with some subject understanding.


The clowns seeded google:

(Little sauce on your chin)

Do I have say Life Log?


Now stay with here. I am sure billions if not trillions were made from these, and (((Those))) in the know made a little for themselves.


So let's say you shut down the clowns next week.


You ever hear the joke about the wife who was cutting off the husband? The husbands response, you can't cut me off, if you don't know where I am getting it.


This is clown problem. Don't get me started on the simple circumstantial evidence and direct correlation to geographic military actions and drug epidemic's on the streets of the US for 50 years.

Nam= opium

Central America(war on drugs/Iran Contra)= 80's Blow bash.

9/11=Afghan= heroin= a generation shot to shit.

Note also if you will the escalation up the drug scale, for those of us with a little background can clearly see.


Where does all that money go? some to be sure are black op's. Don't have to brief congress on something they cannot audit.


Where is the rest?


CIA has a play book, I am sure it is used for everything, but for some things the information can be gleaned. Take Contra rebels. Clowns are efficient if nothing else.

Step 1: card board corporations. Legal entities to operate with that cannot be linked back to them.(They can get it done like a fart).

Step 2: Send equipment and supplies in.

Step 3, Since aircraft, pilots etc were not on the map going out or coming in, might as well bring some blow.

Step 4: launder proceeds through banks in Panama ( See operation Just Cause).


This may help to explain why it's will be so hard, and what all is involved. When a former CIA director can call out a sitting president for treason, and do so without fear, that act alone should tell you something (((THEY))) understand.


Shutting it down will just morph it.


If you can find the assets. IE corporations owned or created by the clowns and personnel assets on the boards, in the media, and even in other .gov's, you might be able to total it all up.


If you could freeze it or seize it, you may be talking about 8 to 10 trillion dollars in assets.


I don't think you follow Q, I think you push Q. If not what good is "We The People" if we cannot think for ourselves.


You have more than you know.

Damn Skippy, the question is what are (((WE))) going to do about it?