Anonymous ID: b41b6b Jan. 22, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.4862164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2471 >>2492 >>2531 >>2558



So, has anyone been able to identify where, exactly, was Hussein on December 27, 2007?

What evidence is there of his location?

We know that he regularly visited Peshawar in northern Pakistan where his mother worked for an NGO from time to time.

This is near Abottabad and Rawalpindi where Benazir Bhutto was assasinated while she wore red, white and blue clothes. There are many, many photos because she was there on an election campaign. Crowds of people. Not eashy for one person to dig, but this may be where we hit paydirt.

Anonymous ID: b41b6b Jan. 22, 2019, 10:10 a.m. No.4862295   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump's last tweet highlights Baker, Oppo, Research, Russia.


Is it a message to all bakers, namely to us Anons, to research the OPPOSITION to Putin in Russia? At this point it seems clear that Hillary and Hussein were in cahoots with this opposition and they concocted the Steele memo to both damage Trump and damage Putin. We can understand why the US DeepState has a resistance movement in the USA against Trump, but why do they work hand in glove with the opposition in Russia?


Is there something about Russia that we are missing? They have a border with Nprth Korea. They allow the North Koreans to run logging operations inside Russia with their own people doing the work. They sell food so that North Koreans do not starve in the winter. But is there more?

Is there some kind of mineral formation that runs across the border?


Trump makes a big deal about a trade deal with China but we hear almost nothing about Russia. Understandable that China is a priority since previous deals with them were so damaging. But the day will come when China is done and we make a deal with Russia. In the context of moon and Mars colonies, could there be something special about Russia, that we should know about?


Or is it just that Russia is a competitor and you should know thy competition in order to more effectively compete. After all Q said 'learn Russian and that takes a couple of years at least even if you are dedicated to the task 7 days a week. We used to monitor scientific and industrial developments in Russia very carefully by reading all their Russian language journals and media. Where are the thousands of people to do this in the age of the web?