>>4862114 ()()(
your problem:
>2ca876 (35)
pick one
ooh, good one
>Maxine Waters
life isn't binary,
crumbs either
humans with an ability to think and interpret are able to get it
>"She's so young"
brag when convenient…
deflect the rest of the time.
She's in the game, can't have it both ways
free to worship who or whatever they please…
can't cry "satanic panic" the second someone asks questions, though.
precedents are a thing
isn't blackface supposed to be about pretending to be BLACK?
do SJWs even remember what the problem with that was?
this is just make-up
>surrounded by folks that accept the spin as fact, it's so hard for them to see it…
play the fool, ask them why is this wrong/who is hurt/replaced by colors at a sporting event
> too young to really know what blackface is
but programmed well enough to know it's wrong and nasty and ebil and rayciss
>WAAAAAY too close to blackface
because the color is similar?
one color would be ok, this one not.
because…. decades and decades ago some entertainers larped as black.
honestly, i just can't this anymore.
even legit blackface isn't oppression in current year, it's a disguise
oh but that thing on top of the cupboard ain't a nigga statuette, tho, fakenews
>WTF do we have sauce on around here? For real? Even the links we grab are filtered through the media.
that's what gets me most with notable/sauce kvetching… quite the blindspot
> There is no such thing as voter ID problem, its a hoax
<What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.
never had trust for OAN
<Black Hebrew Israelites
how invisible they've been
in all these news reports
but where did the tension come from?
why were the kids doing chants to begin with?