Anonymous ID: 5f4242 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.4862894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3025 >>3231 >>3253 >>3551

Chris Brown arrested by French police on allegations of rape


Chris Brown, the R&B singer who’s maintained a steady side hustle beating up women and taunting SWAT teams, is currently being questioned by Paris police over accusations of rape, The New York Times reports.


Brown allegedly invited the 24-year old victim and several other women to his hotel room after attending a nightclub on January 15. Once there, the woman in question found herself alone in a room with Brown, who she claims sexually assaulted her. She also alleges that she was raped by both Brown’s bodyguard and a friend of the singer.


A French judiciary told the Times that Brown is being held over suspicions of aggravated rape, as well as “drug-related infractions.” For Brown, this arrest marks the latest arrest in a career filled with them. In the years since his 2009 assault of ex-girlfriend Rihanna, the wildly popular artist has faced a slew of assault-related allegations, both physical and sexual, as well as charges related to drugs and guns.


Per the Associated Press, officials have two days to either file preliminary charges or let him walk. If convicted, he could face up to 15 years in a French prison.


RCA, which is owned by Sony Music, has yet to release a statement. Just last week, though, the company was finally forced to release R. Kelly, another client with a long, sordid history of sexual assault. Will it take a six-part documentary series for them to do the same with Brown? Probably.

Anonymous ID: 5f4242 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.4862910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2917

Israeli Forces Storm Al-Aqsa, Take Measurements and Photographs


Israeli forces stormed into Al Aqsa Mosque, on Monday morning, and began to photograph the mosque’s landmarks and take measurements without mentioning any reasons for it.


Later this morning, groups of Israeli settlers renewed the provocative incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque through the Moroccan Gate, carried out tours inside the mosque, under high security reinforcement, until they left the mosque.


In the same context, Israeli occupation authorities decided, on Sunday, to temporarily expel five guards from Al-Aqsa Mosque for periods ranging from four to six months.


According to Al Ray, the six-month deportation decision included guards Fadi Alian, Louai Abu Saad, Ahmed Abu Alia and a member of the Jerusalem district Awad Salaymeh.


The occupation decided to expel Yahya Shehadeh and Salman Abu Miyaleh, for 4 months, from the mosque.

Israeli settlers storm the Islamic holy site on a daily basis, in an attempt to divide the mosque temporally and spatially.


It is the third holiest site in Islam and also venerated as Judaism’s most holy place, alleged to be the original site of Solomon’s Temple. Disputes surrounding visitation to the site have historically flared tensions in the occupied Palestinian territory.


In 2003, the Israeli government unilaterally decided — despite the objections of the Islamic Endowments Department — to allow non-Muslim visitors into the complex.


Since then, under increasingly right-wing Israeli governments, extremist Jewish settlers have been allowed into the site in ever greater numbers — usually protected by Israeli security forces — while Palestinian access to the site has become increasingly restricted.


The number of Israeli settlers storming the holy site has risen since US president Donald Trump’s declaration of occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Members of the so-called “Temple Mount” movement have been publicly calling its followers to participate in wide scale mass raids on the holy site.


Third temple anti-Christ anyone!!!

Anonymous ID: 5f4242 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.4862947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3025 >>3253 >>3551

EU sanctions Russians, Syrians over alleged links to chemical attacks


The European Union has imposed sanctions against a number of Russian and Syrian individuals over what it claims to be their links to chemical weapons attacks.


During a Monday meeting in the Belgian capital, Brussels, EU foreign ministers agreed to slap travel bans and asset freezes on four Russians working for the country’s military intelligence agency, the GRU, in connection with the poisoning of ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, England, in March 2018.


The punitive measures target the GRU head, deputy head and two officials “for possession, transport and use in Salisbury of a toxic nerve agent,” the ministers said in a statement.


The Skripals escaped death, but months later, a Salisbury resident died after coming into contact with the nerve agent, which had been put in a perfume bottle, and her partner had to be given extensive medical treatment.

Anonymous ID: 5f4242 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.4862962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3025 >>3032 >>3253 >>3551

Russian Military Detects Launch of Israeli Missile Drone Over Mediterranean


Earlier on Tuesday, Israeli media reported citing Israel's Defence Ministry that the state military together with the US National Missile Defence Agency had conducted an Arrow 3 missile defence system test.


The Russian military has detected the launch of a missile drone by Israel over the Mediterranean Sea as part of missile defence tests, the Russian Ministry of Defence said on Tuesday.


"Today, at 07.35 am Moscow time [04:35 GMT], the Russian Aerospace Forces detected the launch of a missile drone over the Mediterranean Sea," the ministry said in a statement.


According to the statement, the missile's trajectory extended from the central part of the Mediterranean Sea towards the east coast.


"The experts of Russia's National Defence Control Center have classified the target as a missile drone used for testing the missile defence system of the Israeli Air Force," the ministry added.


This comes after earlier in the day the media reported citing Israel's Defence Ministry that the country's military together with the US National Missile Defence Agency had conducted an Arrow 3 missile defence system test.

Anonymous ID: 5f4242 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.4862985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3011 >>3065 >>3253 >>3551

Virginia governor announces bill to repeal voter ID requirement, allow no-excuse absentee voting


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) announced Monday that he is introducing a legislative package that would repeal voter identification requirements and implement no-excuse absentee voting.


The package also addresses campaign finance, proposing to limit large campaign contributions, ban contributions made directly by corporations and businesses and ban the use of campaign funds for personal use.


Northam said in a statement announcing the legislation that the package would "encourage every eligible voter to exercise" their right to vote.


“Participation makes our democracy strong — we should encourage every eligible voter to exercise this fundamental right, rather than creating unnecessary barriers that make getting to the ballot box difficult,” Northam said.


“I am also hopeful we will be successful working together this session to increase the transparency of our elections for Virginians by imposing reasonable limitations on campaign contributions," he added.


Kaye Kory, a Democrat in Virginia's House of Delegates, said in the statement that the current law that requires voters in Virginia to present a photo ID to vote "prevents the most vulnerable Virginians from voting."


“Voting is the constitutional right of every American citizen. Lawmakers should be working to increase access to the voting booth, not inventing ways to keep voters away from the polls,” Kory said. “The photo ID requirement prevents the most vulnerable Virginians from voting and silences the voices of those who most need to be heard.”


Northam's office argues in the statement that, if implemented, no-excuse absentee voting would also give citizens in the state greater access to voting.


If no-excuse absentee voting were to be implemented, voters in Virginia would be able to vote absentee without having to provide a reason to do so.

Anonymous ID: 5f4242 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.4863062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3096 >>3127

Israel Destroyed Eight Syrian Air Defense Targets, Killed 11 Troops


Israeli Army had claimed attacks were targeting Iran's Quds Force


Despite claiming that their Sunday night airstrikes against Syria were exclusively targeting Iran’s Quds Force, Israeli airstrikes against Syria appear to have almost exclusively hit Syrian military targets, particularly the nation’s air defenses around Damascus airport.


Israeli strikes destroyed eight Syrian air defense batteries, and killed at least 11 troops in the strikes. The batteries were mostly aging Soviet designs, the sort Syria has traditionally favored for targeting incoming Israeli missiles.


The Syrian systems had some success, too, with Russia reporting that the Syrians had successfully intercepted more than 30 Israeli missiles during the attack. Conspicuously absent from the engagement, however, were the Russian S-300 systems recently provided to Syria.


A highly advanced air defense system designed to control a much longer range, the S-300s have so far not been deployed in these Israeli attacks. Analysts say that Syria’s priority is intercepting missiles, and not engaging the attacking warplanes, which is where the S-300s would clearly be a vast improvement over the older systems.


Yet as Israel continues to escalate strikes in Syria, and is clearly going after Syrian military targets no matter what they claim about Iran. This may ultimately convince Syria that they have to engage the Israeli warplanes just to achieve some deterrent from constant Israeli attacks.




Israel is taking out the Syrian defense systems as (((they))) have been attacking Syria trying to provoke the use of the S-300 deployed by the Russian's. Yet they haven't taken the bait and used the system, so expect more attacks.


Israel needs to know if its nukes can get passed the S-300 so need to test it's capability. What makes this more difficult is the Russian's upgraded the tracking systems to their more modern ones and have also deployed the S-400 at Khmeimim airbase Syria. The S-400 has a range of 400 miles and can engage multiple ICBM's.

Anonymous ID: 5f4242 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.4863095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3121

Head of Israeli bar association named as suspect in 'sex-for-judgeship' scandal


Efraim Naveh has been accused of attempting to promote at least two judges in exchange for sexual favours, Israeli media reported


A top Israeli lawyer has been arrested on suspicions that he advocated in favour of the promotion of at least two judges in exchange for sexual favours, Israeli media reported.


Efraim Naveh, president of the Israel Bar Association, was arrested on Wednesday and appeared in court later that evening, Haaretz newspaper said.


His identity was only released publicly later in the day as the investigation into the case, dubbed by Israeli media outlets as the "sex for judgeship scandal", was under a gag order.


Naveh, who Israeli media outlets say has close ties to senior Israeli governmental and judicial officials, appointed a female judge to a magistrate court, as well as another judge, Haaretz said, citing Israeli police.


Before his identity was made public, Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said police anti-corruption unit Lahav 433 was leading an investigation into a male lawyer.


That lawyer - now revealed to be Naveh - is suspected of committing "offences of integrity" in relation to "the appointment of a female judge a few years ago and in connection with an attempt to appoint a judge in the magistrate court", police said at the time, without naming him.


Rosenfeld said two women, a judge and a lawyer, were also called in for questioning in connection to the case, after incriminating information first reached Israeli police two weeks ago.


The suspect is believed to have had sexual relations with the female lawyer in exchange for the professional advancement of her husband, who is a judge, Haaretz and other Israeli news outlets reported earlier on Wednesday.


While the female judge was reportedly promoted in 2016 after having sexual relations with the suspect, the female lawyer's husband's bid for a promotion was unsuccessful, the media outlets said.

Anonymous ID: 5f4242 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.4863145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3160 >>3253 >>3551

HE LIED: Native American Activist Nathan Phillips Never Served in Vietnam — But Raised Money By Saying He Did


The Washington Post has had to issue yet another retraction after falsely claiming that far-left Native American activist Nathan Phillips served in the Vietnam War. He didn’t — but this lie was previously used to help raise money for a documentary about his life.


On Monday, the Washington Post quietly issued a correction to their story about the activist, saying that while he served in the Marines, he was never deployed to Vietnam.