>>4863347 pb
It was done to an entire generation - even two.
Women were taught to try and lead careers like men. They were taught that they did not need men, but then also taught a contradiction that their capacity to seduce/control men, sexually, was what made them powerful and liberated.
Most girls born since the mid 80s have been subjected to this. They are taught that they have no value if they don't have a man wrapped around their thumb, yet are also supposed to not need/want the company of a man (independence). It's a contradiction that can't be fulfilled. Women were also seeded with the idea that men like "good housewives" and that our ideal woman is our servant/slave, effectively. One look at entertainment directed at young men should dispell this myth, but go figure.
To me, they were poisoned from an early age. They were subtly taught that men were the problem. Violence was worked out of schools - "just as guilty for fighting back"…. This was far more destructive than people realize. Males settle things through displays of dominance. With the over-policing of violence - something happened. Good men stopped policing the behavior of the not-so-good men. Thugs were more likely to get their way over others in the room as those who were good were convinced that it was for the best to not force the delinquents into line.
Consider how this worked with the "you don't need men." From a sexual standpoint, when a girl was being harassed by delinquents - the good men could stand up and deliver… Yet the girls were taught that they were weak if they needed a man to stand up for them. Yet - biologically, women are generally very averse to conflict, preferring to endure an abusive scenario (women who did not fight their captors and who continued to raise children of rape were more likely to have offspring who survived… A particularly regressive consequence of evolutionary theory, if it holds much sway).
This whole process shattered male/female relations with each other, not assisted by media highlights of male and female stereotypes. Most major television series portrayed the older male characters as fools who were detriments to their family.
To some out there, this spoke to their experience… An old friend of mine - her… "Father" left the family in an extremely shitty situation that dealt with the nuances of Australian laws. It's been more recently that I've reflected on the naming themes she used many years ago for her accounts. References to something that symbolized blood magic. Very fond of the fallen angel theme… And she had some self-harm issues.
I… Completely understand why she has some venom in her veins - yet, that isn't her nature. She's a person who wants good things for the world, but who has been led to believe group y is a problem - both from bad personal experiences and not helped with media projection. Though she's not nearly as unhinged as many of these girls who, I think, are trying to be "her voice" - and making something of a mockery of it.
The whole thing is a tragic mess, and I don't really know how to fix it, exactly. I don't know how to talk to my friend, anymore… I see the whole progressive agenda as having stolen from her years of her life. Very valuable years. As a male, I have a few more years to deal with the whole issue of raising a family. She's got about ten more years, give or take a few, and then she "dies."
It is, to me, the ultimate complement to someone to suggest that you would like to be paired with them for another life … That is, effectively, what you're doing when you create a child. Likewise … It's the ultimate insult to suggest that a person's genetic lineage should cease. That… To me …. Is unforgivable. These young women from a number of generations have been led to believe they are doing the "responsible" thing by… Effectively… Killing themselves in a way that goes beyond simple death. They are deleting themselves from the future.
That is the fucked up part about all of it. You can watch for a lifetime as someone you would give anything for… Is deleted from the flow of time, and you can't do anything to stop it… Well - nothing any decent human being would do.
But I have rambled on too long. People like me are rare. Most people treat others as replaceable objects - a sort of component array where you can slot in a comic relief character or a nerd when one fades from view. I'm not that way. My circle of friends is small, but absolute. Everyone in it has a place at my table, even if they never take it and the gap is felt.
I am something very, very old. I do not have these modern adaptations for dealing with the wickedness of civilization.