Rather than blow a fuse, maybe it is better to consider WHY there have been no "releases" no "reveal", no "DECLAS" etc
Occam's Razor and all:
Maybe there is nothing there.
Nothing on the hard drive but some emails that are less interesting than the ones Wikileaks already published.
Nothing in the FISA that was not already revealed last March.
No child rapes, no "pedovores", no harvesting of adrenochrome, etc.
Maybe Q just fed us a fuck ton of bullshit to throw some chaff out there to screw with the bad guys.
Do you honestly think if major celebrities have been harvesting adrenochrome from tortured children the celebs would still be walking the streets?
Do you honestly think President Trump is that morally obtuse that he would allow such criminals to become mere pieces in a slow motion chess game?
Fuck no - people who do that shit get thrown in a hole so they don't do it anymore, they don't get left on the street.
By now I would think we all understand this.