Anonymous ID: 25726a Jan. 22, 2019, 3:10 p.m. No.4865540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5581 >>5607 >>5656 >>5663 >>5698 >>5704 >>5887

French Anon reporting


The "Aix-La-Chapelle" treaty signed today between France and Germany is a backdoor which under a new privileged relation formalized by the treaty, will allow Germany to have a permanent seat at the UN security council.


More important, the treaty says openly "fuck you" to the 26 other countries from the European Union by establishing such a privileged relation which do not exist in the EU until today.


The goal is also to allow Germany to access nuclear weapons. Germany was barred from accessing nuclear weapons after WW2.


A lot of disinformation were spotted on social medias and even in the mouth of political opponents in France (Dupont AIgnant, Marine Le Pen etc…) and they told so much lies about that treaty without even telling the people about the main objective : a permanent seat at the UN security council and accessing nuclear weapons through a backdoor that Russia and even USA will not be able to counter, by abusing of EU laws.


The only one who actually talked seriously about the treaty and dissected it in details during almost 2 hours is François Asselineau from the UPR party (Union for the Republic). He was totally occulted by every MSM in France and Europe in 2017 because he is a "conspirationist" who dared to tell french people that France must get rid of the CIA on its own soil and do not listen anymore to neocon. Because we have literally sold our country, our military and our politics to the NATO. He was the only one dissecting EU treaty and the EU constitution (which was refused by the french people in 2005 !)


Actually, France is in a pretty bad shape in Syria and tried to impose sanctions on more than 200 Syrian companies without any admissible reason (they never took part of the conflict or whatever), only to try to stop the re-construction of the country and selling our own package of french businesses. (see : )


François Asselineau worked under Chirac, and president Chirac was the last president trying to not implicate our country in wars fomented by the Pentagon and the neocons. He refused the war in Iraq and more important : he was the one who introduced Assad to the political world (do not forget Syria was a french colony for 70 years).


François Asselineau is absolutely unbeatable concerning laws, treaties and French History.

I only hope the subtitles in his videos work properly, you can take a look at his analysis from the Aix-la-Chapelle treaty :


Note : concerning Germany and nuclear weapons, I thinks it's a dangerous game motivated by the departure of the USA from the EU. They know Trump is going to keep his promises concerning his troops and the dismantling of NATO (which is great). More alarming yet, the newly signed treaty is kind of unilateral as Germany do not offer anything in counterpart to our country. We are giving them possibilities to use our own arsenal.


Alarming situation.

Anonymous ID: 25726a Jan. 22, 2019, 3:25 p.m. No.4865698   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I agree and the treaty reached the public domain only few days ago.


Instant-disinfo campaign in order to properly occult the most dangerous and outrageous part of the treaty.


Even political opponents helped to entertain the disinfo campaign, because then, it was so easy to criticize people who fell for such low level disinfo.


They are signing treaties after treaties in rapid fire mode and every paper they are signing is an additional backdoor to fuck us deeply (Marrakesh treaty legalize mass immigration and gives immunity to all the NGOs linked to Soros doing human trafficking/mass migration business, ensuring every big corp in EU will have their underpaid armies of workers, Aix-la-Chapelle gives Germany a chance to use our own nuclear arsenal via a privileged relation concerning the defense of the two countries and gives them a seat at the UN security council).