Treachery of the German people in 1 ID: 31c5b0 Jan. 22, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.4865852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5885 >>5892

High-level treason: why Germany is still at war with more than 50 countries


Did you know that the Federal Republic of Germany is officially still in a state of war with dozens of states? Which countries are affected by this is incredible. And even the fact that West German politicians refused to sign peace treaties when they had the opportunity is more than scandalous. Because only this is why it is possible for evil powers to lead an extermination campaign against the German people for decades.


by Manfred Ulex


Wars have always started with declarations of war and end with peace treaties. But sometime in the 20th century this seems to have changed. In particular, the First World War and the Second World War clearly marked a turning point in international war policy. Both were not ended by official peace treaties until the moment. That means nothing else than that we will be in a state of war with numerous countries in 2019. As bizarre as this may sound, the historical facts are undisputed.


In the context of World War II alone, more than 50 states declared war on the German Reich. You have read correctly, not Hitler Germany declared war "half the world", but just the other way round. Specifically, the following declarations of war were made to the German Reich since 1939 (taken from: The Great Ploetz - The Encyclopedia of World History, Freiburg 1991):



September 1 - Poland

September 3 - Great Britain

September 3 - Australia

September 3 - New Zealand

3rd September - France

September 6 - South African Union

September 10 - Canada



April 9 - Norway

April 9 - Denmark

May 10 - Netherlands

May 10 - Belgium

May 10 - Luxembourg



April 6 - Yugoslavia

April 6 - Greece

June 22 - USSR (Soviet Union)

December 9 - China (Chungking Government)

December 9 - France (De Gaulle Committee)

December 11 - German Reich at USA

December 11 - Cuba

December 11 - Dominican Republic

December 11 - Guatemala

December 11 - Nicaragua

December 11 - Haiti

December 12 - Honduras

December 12 - El Salvador

December 17 - Czechoslovakia (exile government retroactive from March 15, 1939)



January 19 - Panama

May 22 - Mexico

August 25 - Brazil

December 1 - Ethiopia



January 16 - Iraq

April 7 - Bolivia

September 9 - Iran

October 13 - Italy (Badoglio Government)

November 27 - Colombia



January 27 - Liberia

August 21 - San Marino

August 25 - Romania (after fall of Antonescu)

September 8 - Bulgaria

December 31 - Hungary (counter government)



2 February - Ecuador

February 8 - Paraguay

February 12 - Peru

February 15 - Uruguay

February 16 - Venezuela

February 26 - Egypt

February 26 - Syria

February 27 - Lebanon

February 28 - Saudi Arabia

March 1 - Turkey

March 3 - Finland (back from Sept. 15, 1944)

March 27 - Argentina


As you can see, many of the listed states were not involved in the beginning of the military conflicts of the Second World War. Nevertheless, countries like Uruguay declared war on the German Reich. The extent of the aggression against Germany only becomes clear when one becomes aware of the fact that in the year 1940 not even 100 states existed in the world. Today, however, we are talking about 193 states that are members of the United Nations (UN). In addition, non-UN members include the Vatican City and twelve states, nations, countries or territories where state ownership is controversial or in free association with other states.


Do you also know only one case in which a single population of over 50 nations has ever declared war in the course of human history, and this population has subsequently been blamed for everything? At any rate, the author could not find such an incident during his research.


In this context, it is not surprising that independent historians and eyewitnesses speak of a veritable conspiracy against the German people. This seems to have continued until today, which is evident not least in the extremely anti-people policy of Merkel and consorts. As an attentive contemporary, you naturally know a great deal about those treacherous activities in the ranks of the FRG politicians.


A particularly noteworthy event, which confirms the massive betrayal of West German political actors, is documented in Annex 2 to the Federal Chancellery Protocol No. 354 B II to the negotiations in Paris 1990 (Protocol of the French Chairman). On 17 July 1990, the representatives of the Federal Republic once again made it clear that even 45 years after the supposed end of the war, they were not interested in concluding peace treaties:


"The FRG agrees with the declaration of the Four Powers and underlines that the events or circumstances mentioned in this statement will not occur, ie. H. that egg