Anonymous ID: e6a188 Jan. 22, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.4865308   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: e6a188 Jan. 22, 2019, 2:51 p.m. No.4865326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5737 >>5862 >>5889 >>5949

Centrist Democrat Group Urges Pelosi to End Partial Shutdown


As the partial government shutdown stretched into its 32nd day, a group of centrist House Democrat’s are calling on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to end the stalemate over funding for the U.S.-Mexico border wall and to offer some sort of compromise.


President Donald Trump has up until now been the only leader willing to find some middle ground. On Jan. 19, he outlined an offer which would provide temporary protection from deportation to some 700,000 young undocumented migrants known as “Dreamers” in exchange for $5.7 billion in border wall funding.


Trump’s proposal, outlined in a televised address on Jan. 19, was flatly rejected by Pelosi before he even spoke.


Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.), who is leading the group of centrist Democrats, urged Pelosi to offer Trump a vote on his border wall sometime in February if he ends up signing a bill to reopen the federal government.


“We know that you share our value that effective governing should not result in winners and losers, but that our job as legislators is to do the most good for the most people,” the letter (pdf) obtained by Politico stated.


“We understand that this shutdown was not caused by the 116th Congress, but it is our job to fix it,” it continued later.


Both Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have said they would not negotiate with Trump over border wall funding until he reopens the government. They said that they would be open to talks after he has done so.


In the draft letter that did not include the names of any caucus members, the caucus requested Pelosi to “immediately begin debate in committee” on the wall after the reopening of the government. Democrats say this will allow the Department of Homeland Security to detail the funds needed and present them to the president, guaranteeing a vote for the supplemental funding request on the House floor by the end of February.


Federal workers who have been furloughed will miss their second paycheck if the shutdown continues to Jan. 25. About 25 percent of the federal government is impacted by the shutdown, with some 800,000 federal works affected.


Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is preparing to bring up Trump’s compromise offer sometime later this week.

Anonymous ID: e6a188 Jan. 22, 2019, 3 p.m. No.4865422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5737 >>5862 >>5889 >>5949

Salvadoran Gang Enforcer Caught in New Migrant Caravan


Authorities in southern Mexico announced the arrest of a man described as a dangerous Salvadoran gang enforcer who was trying to blend in with the new migrant caravan bound for the United States.


Chiapas state authorities arrested a man identified only as 19-year-old Almicar Orlando “N” aka “El Junior or Hell Boy” from El Salvador, who has various warrants for murder, kidnapping, extortion, and drug charges, the attorney general’s office revealed. Salvadoran authorities labeled Almicar as a member of the 18th Street gang and tied him to various other allegations.


The arrest took place in Tapachula, Chiapas, near the border with Guatemala, as Almicar tried to enter as part of a migrant caravan. State authorities were able to work with El Salvador’s’ gang unit and other agencies to identify him and reportedly confirm his fugitive status. Chiapas state police turned Almicar over to Mexico’s National Immigration Institute for deportation.


The arrest comes days after Breitbart News reported on the arrest of one of the organizers of the new migrant caravan for rape charges. In that case, Honduras police arrested 26-year-old Juan Carlos Molina at a bus station in San Pedro Sula as he was preparing to begin his journey to the U.S. border.

Anonymous ID: e6a188 Jan. 22, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.4865490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5737 >>5862 >>5889 >>5949

Israeli jets strike northern Gaza targets following border flare-ups


Raids hit Hamas sites after two shooting attacks on Israeli troops earlier in the day, including one in which bullet struck officer’s helmet


The Israel Air Force launched airstrikes against multiple Hamas targets in the northern Gaza Strip on Tuesday night, following two border clashes earlier in the day, including one in which a sniper shot an IDF officer in his helmet, causing light injuries, the army said.


The target of the strike was said to be a Hamas building in the Beit Lahia area of northern Gaza, according to Palestinian media. The structure was reportedly hit by multiple missiles. There were no immediate reports of injuries.


The Israel Defense Forces said the raids targeted “a number of terror targets in a military base belonging to the Hamas terror group in the northern Gaza Strip.”


The Israeli military did not indicate who it believed fired the shots, but said it held Hamas responsible for the violence along the border on Tuesday as the terror group has ruled Gaza since taking control of the enclave in 2007 by ousting the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority.


“The IDF is prepared and ready to at against any terrorist action from the Gaza Strip and is determined to defend the citizens of the State of Israel,” the army said in a statement.


Hamas accused Israel of escalating the situation, saying it was “fully responsible” for the uptick in violence.


“The valiant resistance will not allow our people’s blood to be used as fuel for Israeli election campaigns, and it possesses the will and means to safeguard our great people’s blood and interests,” said Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, referring to the Knesset elections in April.


Israel has demanded an end to the violent demonstrations along the border in any ceasefire agreement.


Wow a bullet hit a helmet, not a person, nor any proof, so (((they))) used air strikes and tanks!!!

Anonymous ID: e6a188 Jan. 22, 2019, 3:15 p.m. No.4865594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5782 >>5862 >>5889 >>5949

Want to boycott Israel? The 1st Amendment allows it — but Texas doesn’t



Bahia Amawi worked for nine years as a speech pathologist for a Texas school district. But in September, when it came time to renew her contract for the coming year, she was asked — under the provisions of a recent state law — to affirm that she does not and would not boycott Israel.


That put her in a tough position. As an American of Palestinian descent, she does try to avoid buying products from Israel. So she declined to sign the contract. And she lost her job.


That is as ludicrous as it is un-American. Regardless of one’s position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, it should be clear that a U.S. citizen like Amawi has a right to make choices for herself about what kind of hummus or olive oil she does or does not want to buy, and about what kind of political statements she wants to make through her purchases.



“This is a personal choice,” she told reporters — and she’s absolutely right.


Over the years, some people have boycotted grapes and lettuce to protest the treatment of farmworkers; others refused to travel to South Africa at the height of apartheid. Today, some people won’t invest in cigarette companies or arms manufacturers; others won’t buy from Nike because of its support for Colin Kaepernick.


As the Supreme Court has recognized, boycotts are a form of speech protected under the Constitution. That protection exists so that government cannot penalize people like Amawi because their opinions are out of step with those of the state.


The Texas law was passed in 2017 by the Republican-controlled state Legislature. It bars governmental entities from contracting with companies that boycott Israel, apparently to prevent state dollars from somehow being used to support a sanctions movement they disparage. That’s problematic on its own. But to make matters worse, “company” is defined broadly to include individual “sole proprietorship” contractors such as Amawi.


Had she signed the contract, she would have been promising not to engage in any action “intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israel-controlled territory.” Lawmakers may have been trying to deter the state’s suppliers from taking a corporate stance against Israel, but there’s nothing in the language of the law suggesting that it does not cover a contractor’s personal behavior as well.


Instead of signing, she is now suing the school district and the Texas attorney general, arguing that the law violates the 1st Amendment’s protections on political speech and political advocacy. We hope her challenge is successful.


The Texas law is part of a bigger worldwide effort to combat the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The highly controversial BDS campaign calls on people and companies to boycott Israel until that country ends its occupation of “all Arab lands,” ensures equal legal rights for its Arab citizens and accepts the right of Palestinian refugees to return to the former homes of their families in Israel. Some supporters of BDS accept the idea of a “two-state solution.” Others don’t, preferring a single-state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians live together in one land.


Although BDS has not so far inflicted substantial damage on the Israeli economy, the movement's increasingly high profile — especially on some college campuses — has alarmed Israelis and their supporters in the United States.

Anonymous ID: e6a188 Jan. 22, 2019, 3:17 p.m. No.4865627   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The use of terrorism according to John Bolton


After having taken back from Daesh the State they had promised, straddling parts of Iraq and Syria, the United States now intend to recuperate some of their mercenaries in order to make use of them in a different manner. National Security Advisor John Bolton has designed new goals, new partners and new methods. Since this new system is secret, we know about it only insofar as parts of the plan have already been implemented. Thierry Meyssan explores this world of violence.


In 1978, President Carter’s National Security Advisor, Zbignew Brzezinski, decided to use the Muslim Brotherhood against the Soviets, and sent Arab combatants to support the Afghan opposition against the Communist régime. Responding to a call for help from the Afghan government, the Red Army became bogged down in an unwinnable conflict.


In Afghanistan, the Muslim Brotherhood were not armed by the CIA, who were unable to obtain the authorisation from Congress for an operation of that magnitude, but by Israël. In view of their success, the Arab-Afghans were later mobilised in many other theatres of operation. It followed, amongst other things, that the Brotherhood, armed both by Israël and Iraq, took a shot at the Syrian Arab Republic, in 1978-82. One thing leading to another, a representative of the Brotherhood was incorporated into the staff of NATO during the attack in Kosovo against Yugoslavia.


The position of the Muslim Brotherhood as auxiliary troops for NATO was cancelled at the end of the Clinton presidency, but the collaboration of the Brotherhood with the CIA has never been terminated. It was clearly re-instated with the attack on Libya under the Obama presidency, where it furnished almost all of the ground troops for the Atlantic Alliance. One of their representatives was even incorporated into the US National Security Council. Then, during the attack on Syria, NATO’s LandCom, situated in Izmir, coordinated the jihadist troops.


Since the Trump administration opposes on principle the use of terrorist groups by the US Armies, the moment arrived for the White House to redefine the role of the Muslim Brotherhood.


We do not yet know the new strategy defined by National Security Advisor John Bolton. However, several elements enable us to guess its general form.

Anonymous ID: e6a188 Jan. 22, 2019, 3:36 p.m. No.4865833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5862 >>5870 >>5889 >>5905 >>5911 >>5949

FBI Agents Complain That Shutdown Is Hampering Sex Trafficking, Gang Investigations


Is the government shutdown also Vladimir Putin's fault? Following a report released Tuesday by the FBI, we imagine it's only a matter of time before Rachel Maddow and the rest of the left-leaning cable news commentariat come to that conclusion.


In a 72-page-report and press conference, the FBI on Tuesday attacked President Trump for allowing the shutdown (now in its 32nd day) to continue and listed all the ways that break in funding for the DOJ (where the FBI is housed) has impacted its ongoing investigations (though it's worth noting that, according to media reports, the Mueller probe has continued without much of an interruption). Among the functions that have been interrupted: The US attorneys office can't issue grand jury subpoenas, ongoing investigations have been interrupted, agents are struggling to work without pay, and efforts to thwart sex trafficking and anti-gang operations (including investigations into MS-13) have been delayed.


The FBI shared a summary of these gripes in a twitter thread published by the FBI Agents Association. Though agents are still working cases, some agents are struggling to feed their families. All of this culminated with Agents Association President Tom O'Connor calling on lawmakers to pass legislation funding the FBI.


Some of the anecdotes included in the report offered more details about how the shutdown has affected investigations.


"I have been working a long-term MS-13 investigation for over three years," one FBI employee wrote in the report. "We have indicted 23 MS-13 gang members for racketeering, murder in aid of racketeering, extortion, money laundering and weapons offenses. … Since the shutdown, I have not had a Spanish speaker in the division. We have several Spanish speaking informants. We are only able to communicate using a three-way call with a linguist in another division."


Several agents claimed that, because the FBI currently cannot pay confidential informants, efforts to curb narcotics trafficking have fallen by the wayside because the bureau is "unable to do undercover" or confidential human source operations that require purchases of guns or drugs from dealers on the street.


In other words, Trump is using the shutdown to exact his revenge on the FBI…and he doesn't care whether it hampers investigations into gangs and drug traffickers.