Anonymous ID: 9bcc2f Jan. 22, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.4866886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This got buried by shills in the LB. It's worth reflecting upon, and is in fact the best medicine for when qreseach has the shills.


some snippets:


I'm tired of watching conservatives act with emotion. I've seen "Lib Triggered" memes on social media. The truth is I see "Conservative Triggered" reactions on the latest Cortez, Bernie, etc post. The problem with "Triggered" is that they have not figured out 'why' they are seeing ample Cortez posts. It is not that she is intelligent. It is not that she is the new face of the party. It is because those in subversion knew you found domestic people saying the wrong things and then promoted them across as many platforms as possible.


What 80% of the population and candidates don't understand is that what you see is definitely controlled. 20% understand it is controlled, but 99% will still respond to the controlled media. Why? The herd is talking about it and they want to be relevant to the herd. It is sad to give these media vehicles first-mover advantage over public square conversations. While you obsess about the Native American and Catholic student in confrontation, Cortez saying the latest dumb thing, etc…the important issues on debt, economy, military, trade, immigration go undiscussed (on purpose)

Anonymous ID: 9bcc2f Jan. 22, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.4867471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Walgreens will settle two whistleblower lawsuits accusing it of civil fraud for overbilling federal healthcare programs over a decade, the U.S. Department of Justice said on Tuesday.