Anonymous ID: 9d6b4e Jan. 22, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.4867423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7472 >>7478 >>7497 >>7500

Don't know if this was posted but the Native guy at the rally, Nathan Phillips, wasn't in Vietnam and was AWOL 3 TIMES!!!!! They dug up his DD-214!






"Nathaniel Phillips was enlisted under Nathaniel Richard Stanard. He was enlisted into the USMC Reserves from May 20, 1972 to November 1972 for training. Then he went from 8/12/1974 to May 5, 1976 on Active Duty."


"Phillips was trained as a Basic Electrician. He was with the 4th Marine Division as a rifleman. He then became a refrigerator mechanic in Nebraska."


"Phillips went AWOL 3 times during his service in the Marines in May 1975, September 1975, and December 1975."


"Conclusion: He never was in Vietnam, he never was a "recon ranger". He was just a refrigerator mechanic and discharged as a private. One more note. Per Don Shipley's video, it appears that Phillips was never deployed overseas at any point in his entire service."