Anonymous ID: 4f4afd Jan. 22, 2019, 5:55 p.m. No.4867605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7860 >>7989 >>8162 >>8236

From lb with additions:


Just spoke with a friend of mine, who is knowledgeable in these things, about what is going on with POTUS/Trump and all the hate that the Democrats are spewing.


What Trump is doing is using his skills as a marketing strategist to 'Position' the Democrats.


What is meant by that?


In marketing one is always seeking to 'position' one's product above or below, or at, a certain point.


Example: Rolls Royce is the most luxurious car in the world - positioning it at the number 1 spot in the automotive world. Maybach comes along and tries to imply that it is better than Rolls Royce - it tries to position itself ABOVE Rolls Royce (whether or not this actually happened is not the point).


In athletics someone comes along and says that they are better than Usain Bolt - they try and position themselves above Usain Bolt - i.e. to make out that they are better/faster.


Well, what Trump is doing is he is in the process of positioning the Democrats as Anti-American, anti-constitutional, anti-just about anything - to the degree that no one will want to vote for them anymore, or support them, because they will have become so alien to the principles that made America what it is that they will implode and self-destruct. That process is ongoing and the longer the government shutdown continues the more that people will see this.


So, for anyone who was bellyaching about 'nothing happening' (me included) this is what is occurring right now. You can see it every minute of every day on the MSM (yes, that is part of the plan too - to show everyone how anti-American the MSM is!).


Trump is a MASTER at doing what he does. So enjoy the show, as Q keeps telling us!


ADDITIONAL NOTE: As to Pelsoi, Trump is 'eviscerating' her, so to speak, so that she ends up without any power, if not being outright ousted from her party. This is in the process of happening which you can see by the how many democrats are now coming forward and saying that Trump should be given the money for the wall. At the moment the number of democrats is a trickle, but a week or more ago there weren't ANY. Soon there will be tens of democrats saying give the money to Trump, and not too soon after that it will be hundreds of them saying the same thing. Why? Because they will, by then, have been positioned quite clearly as the ONLY party that is causing problems for America.