Anonymous ID: 0b1b4b Jan. 22, 2019, 7:05 p.m. No.4868564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4867747 PB


If Anons stumble on the first few paragraphs below, skip to the last couple of paragraphs and read up the list instead. If the point of raising this subject here is to address the potential for disunity, then, Anons would do well to consider adding to the proposed points of agreement (posted by an admittedly pro-choice Anon):


At conception the human comes into being. (This is a human being. In the normal course of things, this human being will progress through stages of development both within and outside the mother's womb. Each such life is not compartmentalized into a series of different lives of a series of different entities. We each were once conceived and we did not begin our lives as a non-human being that somehow crossed a threshold to become a human being.)


Deliberately ending the life of such a human being terminates a pregnancy by destroying an innocent of the human family. Where the end of that life is the goal of a procedure (whether at a scalpels point or in the mix of poisons available over the shelf) it is an immoral procedure. (Where it is a coincidental end, unwelcomed, the degree of immorality and of moral culpability is mitigated but not without measure.)


Birth also terminates a pregnancy. To facilitate, to assist, to safeguard this type of a termination is morally superior to facilitating, assisting, and safeguarding the end of an innocent human life.


Law is the codification of morality. One way or the other, laws governing abortion are expressions of a society's morality. Choosing life over death is a moral choice, one way or the other, in which the law ought to be based on truth rather than delusions. (When a pro-choice law is enacted, it cannot erase the humanity of the life the mother carries nor its moral standing in the family of humankind. It might deeply discount all of that but it cannot erase it. And such a law must deal with that moral standing or it will come to depend entirely on the heavy hand of government to enforce its details.)


Where a law is not based on truth, it is not a just law. As difficult as it might be, a just society does not turn its back on the truth.


If the point of raising this subject, here, is not for the sake of unity but for sliding, then, research is available to dig into to make this highly relevant to Making America Great Again via the Q movement. It comes down to the fundamentals, the first principles, upon which we fight human trafficking and the pedo-cabal in our midst. It is upon that which self-government is built. Not disregard but steady regard. To wit: why we are here.